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Everything posted by stuart_75

  1. A 30 day contract with a unlimited data sim card. Smarty at £16/mth or ID Mobile at £20/mth. Both use the Three network. Pop the sim card into a phone and use as a hotspot or a mi-fi box.
  2. Didn't like her character at all. Was always hoping she'd fall flat on her face. Couldn't understand the amount of affection she'd show her son's, borderline incest.
  3. I blasted through all 4 seasons in a month. Very entertaining series.
  4. Bloser moaning that the flag on top of the stadium is in tatters. Nearly crashed the car in laughter
  5. I watched the Cecil Hotel doc. I thought it was very disappointing. If I want the opinion of so called Web Sleuth idiots then I'd subscribe to their crappy YouTube channels.
  6. I could listen to these noses for hours. It's the best Saturday night entertainment you could wish for. They all seem to think passion and 4-4-2 will walk the league. Alf Garnett word.
  7. Daz Hale on wm tonight had been on the shrooms. "The potential of BCFC is enormous" Trippin his tits off
  8. I'm sure Erdo Pete said something along the lines of "Three quarters of our squad are good enough to be right up there challenging?" As mentioned earlier, there must of been a break out at an institution for the criminally insane and deranged.
  9. I heard this fella last night too. Embarrassingly the host was having to finish most of his sentances for him.
  10. This is local radio broadcasting at it's very finest.
  11. Half way through The Haunting of Bly Manor. Meh, wish I hadn't bothered.
  12. Nick the Baggies fan came on at the 40min mark. Sounds like he was genuinely disabled, my bad
  13. I had to turn it off last night when some bloke came on who couldn't string a sentence together. Sounded absolutely plastered.
  14. Didn't Butler do the WM Footie phone-in before Fransky took it over?
  15. That cupboard under the stairs must be full of dildos and ball-gags.
  16. I would look elsewhere personally. Trying to sell that in ten years time will be a pain in the arse.
  17. BBC Sounds/iPlayer has it. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p093w4v4 42 min and 57 secs to hear Eddie go on about the Villa. He seems to have an issue with the price our owners paid for the club.
  18. Eddie on..... Self proclaimed expert of football
  19. The way Polly would flirt with O'Conner was an embarrassment. I bet she'd give him a gob job under the desk if she was in the studio with him. I also remember Pat the Doghead, he'd ring in most nights when they walked the Championship a couple of years back.
  20. My partner heard this first hand from a Doctor on the COVID ward in the QE this week. This whole idea of 12 weeks in between doses is complete bobbins.
  21. Its the midlands football phone-in version of the Jeremy Kyle Show. I bet Pete the Blues fan only has about 4 teeth.
  22. Any chance of Steven Avery or Brendan Dassey getting a pardon? I'll get my coat.
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