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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Different one. This one involves an underage boy of 15. Can't remember who the MP is but he was named in the news reports Trouble is it's not that easy to Mooney given the number of cases Edit: Imram Ahmad Khan is this weeks Tory charged with underage sex offences MP for Wakefield
  2. bickster

    Soft drinks

    I rarely use salt in any cooking, about the only time I use salt is Fish and Chips. I find any brand of Califlower Cheese ludicrously salty to the piont that I just dont like it apart from... there'sm this one brand that seems to be a NW England thing and it claims to be made on a farm (pinch of NaCl) but it's the only one I'll eat as it doesn't taste like a tub of Saxa. I forget the brand for the minute
  3. They stopped the appointments system here now, it's a shame I liked it
  4. Right, enough of this stupid argument. Back to Summer Transfer Window 2021 please
  5. So a professional football scout needs to start a topic laying out his choices and recommendations on a public football forum for him to be believed or he's just playing Football Manager Possibly the dumbest thing I've read all day
  6. So are you saying that the questions and the way they were asked by Survation in those two polls were the same and their small sample size meant they were accurate. Do you really think Labour lost 14% of the electorate in the final weeks of the Hartlepool election? Like I was saying the client is very important and like Colhint said, sample sizes of about 500 aren't that accurate
  7. Nah, not sure about the Turkish ones but most Barbers are run on a similar model to taxis. The barber pays a weekly rental for the chair and pays all his own expenses for supplies and keeps the rest himself.
  8. There is no direction of travel in the Labour vote, they got 42.7% of the votes in 2019. That puts the poll within the margin of error. The Tory vote is an upswing due to the lack of the local Indy party standing (12.2% last time) and Brexit Party (3.2% last time) According to that poll didly squat has happened to the Labour vote There are questions and questions asking the same thing but in different ways, the answers will vary wildly depending on the questions wording itself Did Survation do a poll for the by-election that everyone forgot this week? Genuinely curious
  9. Just remind yourself which paper commisioned the poll Then remind yourself once more that Andy Burnham isn't an MP (and must be to me leader of the party) The poll is asking questions on Starmer vs George effing Galloway and Starmer vs Andy Burnham. DO you think gioven the publication it was intended for and the types of questions it's asking that it might just have some inbuilt bias (what is the current level of don't knows for example? - not even stated)
  10. Went to bed after tea last night and woke up between 11 and midnight (as kinda planned). Made a coffee to complete the wake up process. Logged on to my tablet, all good. FInished my coffee and off out to work. There was no signal outside the house (not unusual) so I thought nothing of it until I got up the road, still no signal but I think maybe the mast is down, so I drive on to Formby, still no signal. I spend the next half an hour back in the house trying to fix the issue to no avail. Oh well thats my first night back on the cabs buggered but that coffee now means I'll be awake until 4am at least... Go into the office this morning to rectify the problem only to discover I have about 2 hours worth of work from the Police and Test and Trace This weekend is doomed already. Time to attempt to strip down a wooden chest we have and make it match the rest of the furniture and stick to some more useful wheels on the bottom of it.
  11. Cut it out, there's nothing to be gained by barging in with imagined double entendres. Please adjust your moral navigation!
  12. bickster

    Soft drinks

    Isn't another name for this, apple juice?
  13. Is that the one in Brecon? Never found anything to buy in there There's a decent one in Abergavenny, lots of jazz and soundtracks and a decent new wave/ punk / alternative section
  14. Doesn't that still leave 2 left and 1 right? IIRC there were 4 candidates, with three of them from the left. Also didn't Beckett have some rather sordid Union skeletons in the closet about NUM pensions or something?
  15. IKEA pulled their advertising from GB News Is the way to get people not to pull their advertising this? Is the way to encourage new advertisers to replace the ones lost this? I somehow think, throwing one's toys out of the pram and directly into the face of the former advertiser is not an approach that would be recommended by many
  16. bickster

    Soft drinks

    You prefer it in a cardboard cup with a plastic lid? That's massively odd. I'd say that without exception this is always the post-mix variety of the drink, where the brands syrup is added to carbonated water in house. It's dreadfully tricky to deliver this type of product correctly and the taste variance can be massive.
  17. The anti-HS2 thing is a minor factor. HS2 isn't a new thing, it would probably account for the drop from a 23k majority to a 16k majority across recent elections in the constituency but that was already factored in to the 16k majority surely
  18. Disgruntled Labour tends to equate to Momentum / Corbyn type supporters. How many hardcore very left wing Labour supporters do you think live in this constituency? Not a lot would be my unresearched opinion
  19. I didn't even realise there was a by-election. A sitting government losing a 16k+ majority in a mid-term by-election isn't normal depite what any Tory says. Especially when they are supposedly so high in the polls
  20. Sorry love, thought you were just cooking and playing with your dub siren at the same time
  21. FWIW Test and Trace appear to have upped their game Only once in the whole time of the Pandemic have I been asked to supply passenger details for a driver who has got or come into contact with COVID. Except for the last two weeks, when I've been asked twice. Also, we now appear to being contacted by local council run test and trace teams, way before national dido fwits get in touch. The Council run teams seem far more switched on that dido's tits who are actually getting worse in terms of the information they are even providing, so much so, the last email of theirs was replied with a "you cant be serious" response. Incident last Saturday, we took 28,800 bookings and all they've given me is a name, now being as most people if asked a name (only required in public places) say Bob or Julie, you can imagine how impossible it is to find the booking. Anyway, local teams seem much better.
  22. Only time I've ever been to Vegas, I went with my mate Dave, a card counter. We broke his record, 5 casinos in a week he was asked to play a different game. Majorly funny, especially as we accepted all the free beers because we were playing the tables for hours
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