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Everything posted by ThunderPower_14

  1. The half way mark Gloriously sketchy
  2. It's pretty big over here. I'm doing it this year, i've never let any facial hair grow longer than a couple of weeks so i'm looking forward to seeing how I go.
  3. I really, really wish this game hadn't called itself Deus Ex, then I probably wouldn't mark it so harshly.
  4. There aren't really words are there. 90 odd people, most of them young. Flying a plane into a faceless building is one thing, hunting down 80 people as they run and hide in terror and executing them is quite another.
  5. Starting from basically scratch, i've had really good results with just a set of dumbells using this. I've upped the weight a bit now as i've been doing it for a while but I feel a lot stronger and i've paid about Aus$40 total for the dumbell bars and weights.
  6. Couldn't ask for a better last day! Up the Villa!
  7. The Nike kits on the whole have been absolutely beautiful, but it's shit that we usually have to wait months and months to get our kits. I don't really care who we get provided they make the kits looks fairly classy.
  8. Terrific effort from every player tonight! Collins was my MOTM but it could easily have gone to Cuellar or Petrov. What about Bent eh? Just put himself in the right place at the right time and found the back of the net. Worth every penny.
  9. I'm hoping to applaud him when he takes off his Man City shirt half way through the game to reveal a Villa shirt, promptly accepts a pass, skins 3 City defenders and megs the keeper, before kissing the badge and vaulting himself into the Holte End to embrace the fans. Or i'll likely just ignore him. I bare him no ill will. We can still boo Barry though.
  10. I keep hearing that Hathaway could never do Catwoman, but that's what people said about Ledger and the Joker so i'm still pretty hopefully. Bane is a terrific character who could definitely be done right in Nolan's style. They've done well.
  11. This is absolutely fantastic news! My fingers and toes are crossed. Exactly what we need, and even better proof that Randy is backing Houllier in and still willing to invest in the side.
  12. We're in a relegation battle and Sam Allardyce is unattached. The sooner we get him in the less likely we are to be relegated.
  13. Loved the all round effort today. If we play like that for the rest of the season we can stop all this relegation talk for sure. We bossed one of the biggest teams in the world at their house for 60 minutes and probably deserved more than what we got. It wasn't perfect but all of a sudden being an Aston Villa supporter doesn't seem so hard.
  14. Excellent half! We're well on top at the moment. The ref can get right **** with the cards though.
  15. Nowhere near a penalty. Surely Collins with his eyes on the ball is allowed to go for it?
  16. If MON was going to leave, he could have done it a bit **** earlier. This season was always going to be a nothing season considering we didn't have a manager appointed until a few weeks in. The trick here is to avoid relegation while GH settles in then allow him to do his work. He surely has to be given a few seasons (provided he doesn't get us relegated) to make it 'his' team. I blame MON and Randy for letting it get to the stage where we had a manager walking out a week before the season started. That shit could have been sorted out months before and they are both equally to blame for the relationship breaking down. If they had a good relationship and were both more professional about the matter, everything could have been laid on the table a lot earlier on and we'd have had a new manager in with a whole off season to sort out the team.
  17. Not to mention the recent 'send it to a country with a very dubious recent human rights record' rule.
  18. Adelaide Oval is getting upgraded to a 50,000 seater anyway because from 2014 they'll be playing Aussie Rules footy there as well. The new members stand is absolutely beautiful and is top class, so looking forward to see what they do with the rest of the stadium.
  19. Just posting in one of the two threads to air my absolute dismay. Qatar? Really? Had we lost to the Americans I would have been disappointed but understood. Qatar is a **** joke. Same with you dudes, had you guys lost to Spain/Portugal, fair enough I suppose, but Russia? I can't help but feel the ExCo is going to look very stupid when we get closer to these world cups and some of the dodgy shit that they are getting up to is revealed.
  20. I think the US will get it because of the dollars they can put into football, but they've had it relatively recently, it should be shared around.
  21. Haha! Already has one really nice ball to his name this half. Let's hope this is the game where he really finds his feet. We're going to score for sure, they'll have to score again if they are going to win this.
  22. It's not just conceding a free kick, it's conceding a free kick in a dangerous area because he lashed out at someone who had fouled him earlier. There was absolutely no need to hack at Diouf like he did, ESPECIALLY that close to our goal. If he'd conceded a 50/50 free kick while going for the ball we could hardly be angry, could we?
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