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Everything posted by dundeevilla

  1. If Chelsea players and officials have suggested that UEFA didn't want another Man U v Chelsea final and so instructed the ref to "assist" Barca's progress, surely that should be enough to get them banned from next year's competition, paving the way for a classy outfit from Birmingham 6 to take their place 8) Seriously though, a very serious allegation and UEFA should boot the bastards out. They won't of course....
  2. All this hoo-haa only proves what we already knew - that Chelsea are a grubby club with absoutely no class whatsoever.
  3. Reading have been fecking rubbish, and SHA haven't been much better.
  4. Indeed we did. I expect when I tell my kids about this when they're older they'll just look at me blanky, like when my grandad used to tell me he never had a telly when he was a lad. But by that time kids will probably be able to download songs directly into their brains just by thinking about them. Or something.
  5. Haha. Big Country always make an appearance in all VT music threads! Love it. It's a law of the internet. "Big Country and their bagpipe-style guitar sound must be brought up at least once, preferably more, in any Villatalk thread which pertains to musical performance."
  6. Does anyone actually bother looking at the singles chart anymore? You only need to sell a dozen copies and you're in at number 3 these days. Do record shops sell singles anymore? Can't remember seeing any for a long while. That 'Flo Rida' song is the worst thing I have heard in many a year, and it's competing with an avalanche of top class contemporary shite for that honour. Maybe I'm just getting old, but pop 'songs' (of the top 40 Lady Gaga, Flo Rida variety) dont even sound like songs to me anymore!
  7. Me too, I'd say it wasn't even the best album I acquired yesterday, that would be the new sonic youth album The Manics album's getting universally positive reviews so far But you know best. "The Beatles were shite" and all that shtick. :winkold:
  8. I've "acquired" the new album by the Manics - Journal for Plague Lovers. After a few listens I'd say it's best album of the year so far. Excellent stuff.
  9. Brilliant post mate and echo my thoughts entirely, even though I still voted Yes. Not that you should have to explain yourself to anyone. MON is privilleged to be at our famous old football club and not the other way around- FACT. No-one is saying we should all be "bowing down and eternally grateful", so this opinion is based on a false premise and the post is therefore far from "brilliant" as you suggest. Just wanted to clear that up....
  10. So you don't think a multi-billionaire like Randy would have employed a decent manager? There wasn't another manager in the whole of world football who could have got us to 6th place in the league? But MON is the one who has taken us to where we are at the moment, and so he is the man that deserves the credit for that. Maybe we could have got some other manager and maybe Mr AN Other would have got us to the same place, fact is it's O'Neill that's actually done it. Why are some people so loathe to give him credit where it's due? I'm not. I think he's done very well for the most part. He's made mistakes, but I hope he learns from them and takes us onto the next level. I just think the people who think he's the best manager we could possibly ever hope for are utterly ridiculous. I don't see anyone saying he's the best we could "ever" hope for. He was certainly the best we could hope for at the point he joined us, and is probably still the best we could hope for in the position we're in just now. This season has shown us the punishing consistency that's required for top 4. MON's an intelligent man and he will have learned a lot from this season about the squad we currently have, and what he needs to do to move us forward. He more than deserves another few years to have a crack at it. I think no-one realistically even expected a 5th place finish this year, never mind top 4.
  11. So you don't think a multi-billionaire like Randy would have employed a decent manager? There wasn't another manager in the whole of world football who could have got us to 6th place in the league? But MON is the one who has taken us to where we are at the moment, and so he is the man that deserves the credit for that. Maybe we could have got some other manager and maybe Mr AN Other would have got us to the same place, fact is it's O'Neill that's actually done it. Why are some people so loathe to give him credit where it's due?
  12. I know. Opposition fans will be' lolling' big style at discussions like this.
  13. Really? Why? Look at where we were, and where we are now. The league says we're now the best side in England outside the Sky 4. What more could we realistically have hoped for in the three years O'Neill has been in charge? It does show that a minority of posters on here hijack the majority of threads with the same old complaints. The silent majority are more than happy with the way we're heading as a club.
  14. Nine 'nos'? Who are ya? Kudos to Smalljob - at least he has had the nuts to explain why he voted no, the only one who has fessed up so far Daft thread though tbf. Ludicrous to even think we should be replacing the manager. He has done absolute wonders so far. Of course he still has a hell of a lot of work to do, but we have no real reason to query his record so far. PS: Cuellar will turn out to be a great player for us.
  15. Hi General, I'm thinking of looking into setting up a Scottish Villans Fan Club. Is there anyone at the club I can speak to for advice on official recognition etc?
  16. I'm pretty sure the texts you get sent back are just automated - and they always ask questions so you'll reply and end up owing them another £2.50. So I'm told :oops:
  17. Tennents Lager for me tonight. National piss of Scotland.
  18. Surely the fact that we're odds on to finish in the top 4 would skew your test. We should instead pray that Gabby scores 10 goals in all of our remaining fixtures and if that happens I'll consider my belief in god. Hell if that happens I'll become a vicar. Gabby - the son of god. Well he does get crucified on here most weeks.
  19. Let's settle this once and for all with an experiment. We should all pray night and day for a top four finish. So, if we finish top four that's proof god exists. If we don't, he is a product of the human imagination. Sorted (I'm sure Arsenal fans are all heathens and never pray)
  20. Oasis have been bereft of any original ideas for the last 10 years at least. Every album sounds like a Beatles pastiche. They don't even make the effort these days. Blur as a band have considerable musical talent. So Blur for me.
  21. This is possibly the most ironic post ever written in VT's history.
  22. Sorry, but "Chimps More Evolved Than Humans " So you'll agree with that? Walk into Oxford and they will all agree with you that that is fact? Mk. Who is to say that any animal is "more" evolved than another. All creatures evolve to best suit their own particular environment. I thought you were responding to the long list of vestial organs, which are indeed facts.
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