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Everything posted by dundeevilla

  1. Been a solid performance, We've won this at a canter.
  2. A solid first half. But we need another goal to be comfortable.
  3. 8. Married foe two years to a woman who not only puts up with me, but actually seems to like me rather a lot. First baby on the way, due in Oct. Live in a v nice four-bed house with garden in a lovely area. Work, get fairly paid for what I do although the people I work with are a pain. And you could always do with more money. But we are confortably off. Family and friends are all fit and well. Can't ask for that much more really.
  4. Glad to see some measured reactions on here tonight. Gutted we are out but we played some decent stuff, but it was a shaky defensive performance at times. Delph lost his man for the goal, but they could have had a few more tbf. Hopefully Dunne will compement Carlos, who was immense tonight. As were Ash and Milner - two great players. We lost it in the first leg. They just about deserved it I guess, they kept at us.
  5. Well said General. The vast majority of fans are still firmly behind MON and the boys. That post deserves a front page airing, for the sake of balance if nothing else. A slight edit - OBE
  6. Textbook away performance. Brilliant effort. Things look a whole lot better after that! Big Brad - what a display.
  7. Cmon Villa hang in there! Feck off Alan Green you word removed. He is pig sick on R5.
  8. Someone wise once said that a society can be judged by the way it treats its criminals. We should have a system for appealing for release on compassionate grounds, and they should be considered on a case-by-case basis. In the Lockerbie case I think there is enough doubt over the validity of his conviction to give him the benefit of the doubt, and allow him to see his family again before he dies. If I was sure he was guilty, I would probably say keep him locked up.
  9. When the bad run comes to an end, I promise to stop going on about it. I just don't see it ending any time soon with THAT defence. When will you consider that it has ended? I get a feeling this is never going to end. NURSE! :winkold:
  10. You've mentioned this depression thing a few times now in this thread. Where did you hear this? Not something I was aware of...
  11. Paulanddonya - you have misunderstood the "tired" comment. Please re-read what he said. He certainly wasn't saying the team was tired. (Pride of Brum has just explained the correct interpretation I think.) Using things you have misunderstood to criticise the manager is stretching the credibility of your arguments.
  12. BBC is streets ahead, although their analysis is lazy and tired.
  13. MON obviously wanted Milner or he wouldn't have fended off interest from Liverpool and shelled out £12m to sign him. No-one is saying he spotted his talent, someone else did that years before when he was at Leeds (maybe DOL?), but MON obviously thought he was an excellent player or he wouldn't have signed him for big bucks. He gets stick for signing duff players, so on the flip-side he deserves credit for signing players who turn out to be good!
  14. Poor old Tricella. Horribly offended again by a harmless little comment.
  15. The majority of those managers are either not available or wouldn't come to Villa though, that's the point. The only ones I could see coming to Villa are Erikkson and Gullit - and in my opinion they would not do any better than O'Neill has done in the last few season. Erikkson is more interested in getting his leg over than winning football matches. Edited - OBE
  16. I'll ask again cos no-one who wants the see the back of MON seems to have an answer. Who should be brought in? Who is available who would realistically come to Villa and do better than MON has done? Are you saying that in order to replace MON we must be able to see into the future and have hindsight at first sight? There are many managers out there that can do as good as MON...believe me. There are also managers out there that can take the club further...which I seriously doubt MON is able to do. See into the future??? No Tricella, but to sack the manager without any idea of who can come in and replace him, and do a better job, is just utter idiocy. If you say you want him sacked, then you must have other candidates in mind who you think could do a better job. If not, then you haven't really thought your position through at all. So who is gettable, available and would want to come to to Villa, and would do a better job? It's a fundamental and vitally important question if we are debating whether our manager should be sacked - can't you see that?? if it was my choice i,d employ Alan Curbishley who has allways done well with NO MONEY ! So i,d like to see what he can do if give adequate funds. Because MON has funds but is CLUELESS as to what to do with it. All we ever hear is we have made loads of enquirys for players bla bla but of course amounts to shite or nothing. Haha. Curbushley would certainly placate all the angry Villa fans on here! |What are you waiting for Randy? To be fair at least you came up with a name.
  17. I'll ask again cos no-one who wants the see the back of MON seems to have an answer. Who should be brought in? Who is available who would realistically come to Villa and do better than MON has done? I nor do others have a huge knowledge of managers avilable but im pretty sure if you give them 100m they will do a good job to. ffs DOL achieved the same as MON has with no money at all. The team i looked at yesterday didnt look like scoring even if you gave them 20 hours on the pitch. What worrys me is they looked tired so please dont tell me that Peace Cup thing has shattered them ? Squad is way to small and MON cant resolve the issue or he does by bringing in simply numbers and not quality or half decent signings. So who would you prefer to MON? Or do you think we should sack him first and worry about that later?
  18. I'll ask again cos no-one who wants the see the back of MON seems to have an answer. Who should be brought in? Who is available who would realistically come to Villa and do better than MON has done? Are you saying that in order to replace MON we must be able to see into the future and have hindsight at first sight? There are many managers out there that can do as good as MON...believe me. There are also managers out there that can take the club further...which I seriously doubt MON is able to do. See into the future??? No Tricella, but to sack the manager without any idea of who can come in and replace him, and do a better job, is just utter idiocy. If you say you want him sacked, then you must have other candidates in mind who you think could do a better job. If not, then you haven't really thought your position through at all. So who is gettable, available and would want to come to to Villa, and would do a better job? It's a fundamental and vitally important question if we are debating whether our manager should be sacked - can't you see that??
  19. I'll ask again cos no-one who wants the see the back of MON seems to have an answer. Who should be brought in? Who is available who would realistically come to Villa and do better than MON has done?
  20. And yet incredibly, despite all that, we have finished 6th twice and quaified for Europe two years on the bounce. Yep, he really must be as useless as you say.
  21. Who should be brought in then? Who is available who would realistically come to Villa and do better than MON has done. Please tell me. (And please learn some grammar and punctuation!).
  22. One of the most rational, level headed, posts I've read on here the last couple of days. Absolutely spot on. Still over 2/3 in favour of keeping Mon. Had we have won yesterday that majority would have been even more emphatic which in itself makes this poll an absolute farce. It's heartening that the vast majority of fans know that sticking with the manager and team through the tough times as well as the good is what being a fan is all about. There will always be a vocal minority ready to get on MON's back given the slightest excuse. But he more than deserves the chance to sort this out given what he's done for the club in the relatively short period of time he's been here. If we finish 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th this season after being dumped out of all the cups early, then there will certainly be a debate to be had. But to have this thread after one game of the new season is a bit embarrassing IMO.
  23. The whole point is thought that even if we needed a new manager, we couldn't get him. Who realistically is available, and would be willing to come to Villa, and would improve on what we've got, which is two top-six finishes and two European qualifications in two years?
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