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Everything posted by veloman

  1. Hmm. I can see the similarity between Boycott and Pieterson in that they both have fairly big egos. But.. although not a huge Boycott fan, KP hasn't faced the pace attacks that Boycott did and Boycott did get good scores against those attacks. However, to those of a certain age, Boycott's attitude will always be encapsulated in his running-out of Derek Randall. I heard David Gower,duing the last Test, refer to Boycott's running between the wickets as "egocentric" - quite strong to be said on air. I am not a Pieterson fan (FWIW) and think his move from Hampshire to Surrey "to be nearer London" just about sums him up.
  2. veloman


    Well if any of you do ever get to meet The Queen here are some helpful tips:- do not call her 'Miss', 'Chief' or 'You there' Try to avoid the words, 'blimey', 'sod it', 'piss artist' 'come again?' or 'masturbation'. Don't tell her that she doesnt look at all like she does on the stamps. Hope that helps.
  3. Any cricket fans have an opinion on Kevin Pieterson (sp) ? Doesn't wasn't to play 40 over or T20 for Engalnd but seems happy to play in the IPL. Does this reflect badly on the man or is he just making as much money as possible while he can ? PS - he did insult Nick Knight - formerly of WARWICKSHIRE !!!
  4. Well we are still undefeated and back on top of County Championship ! This could be a very interesting season. Wonder if Jim Troughton's place is safe tho' - he seems to be in a bad run of form - but Warks keep on winning ! Any thoughts Bears fans ?
  5. GarethRDR - have you ordered it yet ? Just make sure that they don't sell you something too big - shops have a habit of doing this. The smaller the frame size the better really - unless you are still growing ! It is lighter and gives you more flexibility with saddle height etc. There was a recent article I read somewhere saying that Halfords Customer Service was rather poor so just be cautious. Nice bike though ! PS - have you got to go to Halfords ?
  6. Blimey ! I think 'disco filth' is a bit strong ! It was great to play and usually got the audience up on the floor. also required a definite musical 'technique'. 'On The Radio' was my favourite. RIP Didn't know Jeff Skunk Baxter (of Steely Dan) played that solo.
  7. Another classic featuring Mr Dunn ! God I used to love this stuff - played in a band that did this number - but not quite as well as this !
  8. So - Jack Dromey perhaps ?
  9. [quote="colhint but just sticking with the original point about teachers and Risso's point about it being a job for life. Although this information is 2 years old, Panorama discovered that only 18 teachers have been struck off for incompetence in the last 40 years, and we have about 400,000 teachers. Doesn't that strike you as remarkably low. well unbelievably low 0.000225%
  10. Just wondering here, are you suggesting that dozy fuckwits only work in the private sector and none in the teaching profession?
  11. One for the more 'mature, members on VT - Terry Bullivant ! Signed by Sir Ron from Fulham IIRC - looked a cracking player but didn't get much of a look-in.
  12. [quote="CrackpotForeigner Now strictly speaking, the Waffen S.S. were merely an elite military force, rather than an elite team of butchers, which describes the rest of the S.S. Am I Pedant-of-the-Day, then?
  13. Simplistic - yes - but you are dead right of course. what I would dispute is that teaching is a job for life now; particularly since the advent of Academies, league tables and OfSTED (many of whose staff were rejected by the Waffen S.S. for being too lenient !) It just seems that this government sees the key to raising educational standards as being in the school alone and I am fairly convinced this is not the case. Damned important of course - but not the whole solution. There is an expression about making a silk purse out of a sow's ear and that is what teachers are expected to do today.
  14. "Good Heavens"! Biggles ejaculated. (only means something if you read the books )
  15. 3 wins out of 4 now for The Bears. Keith Barker is playing out of his skin; it will be difiicult to change this team even when Chris Woakes(great player) gets fit - anyone see him and Ian Bell on about the Villa on Midlands Today; both Villa fans. I was concerned that Warks hadn't made a 'big-name' signing for this season - only overseas player is Patel (NZ) but he has played really well - perhaps that is why Ashley Giles is in charge and not me !
  16. What a band ! So - couple of facts; they were originally formed to be Boz Scaggs backing band. The drummer on this clip is Simon Phillips who, although a fabulous(and English) drummer is not quite as good as the original drummer -the late Jeff Porcaro. Bet you wanted to know all that.
  17. An interesting and balanced reply. I take it you have some experience of the profession then?
  18. Just when I thought this Government couldn't get any more stupid they have come up with 'performance rated pay for teachers'.Have any of these 'richboys' actually set foot in a school recently - without it being "stagemanaged". I have worked in both Prison Education and a Comp. which served a large Council Estate and there was little to choose between the 'client group'.In my opinion (for what it is worth) the main problem lies with the parent(s) It seems that the teachers are the new miners and this Goverment is bent on destroying them.
  19. and Chasetown got relegated too :cry:
  20. Just had a look at your Boardman stubbo - that is a nice bit of kit ! Good to see it's hardtail - unless you are doing serious downhill, I dont' see the need for full sus - extra weight and 'summat else to go wrong. The only thing I would watch is the saddle; some O/E kit can be a bit iffy - not saying it is but just can be. So if you do find it uncomfortable go for Selle Italia (from proper bike shop or mail order). If you have Conti tyres I reckon they are really good. The Chase frightens me witless when younger (that's most people) come belting past me - but great fun !
  21. Thank goodness it isn't just me that thought that Milfner; they also failed to give Warks the 'win' points after beating Somerset so their table was completely wrong. Why do they seem to love Lancashire ??
  22. Great win for the Bears today. Two out of two and top of the table and all this without a 'big name' oversesas player and that is not intended as a slight on Jeetan Patel (who took 5 today I think).
  23. Sorry if many younger VT'ers will never have heard of this man but he was probably the first 'lead guitarist'. Not exactly a jazzer or indeed rock 'n roller but certainly inspired many to take up guitar - including Eric Clapton ! From memory, always played a semi-acoustic, possibly a Gibson; listening to him today, he would possibly sound 'average' but 50 years ago he was the "dogs". There were always rumours that he played solos for many big-name bands in the 60's when the lead couldn't quite nail it but one could never be sure; that topic deserves it's own thread! A seminal musician.
  24. Please don't start-up about fast bowler's "bunnies" ; this would bring back dreadful memories of Denis Lille and the (great) Dennis Amiss ! :oops:
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