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Everything posted by RimmyJimmer

  1. What can he do when players of richards' experience, and who is supposed to be captain, lets him down like he did yesterday. The guy is simply not trying. Perhaps the only thing i will say against remi is his insistence on picking him week after week. He needs to be as far away from the first team as possible
  2. Our problem is not the manager. I agree that i think the players, or some players (richards, lescott, gabby) are not playing for him. It's the players that need to go first, not the manager. Remi is a decent man and deserves a chance, a lot of those players haven't got an ounce of personal professional pride and don't deserve a chance
  3. Watch this idiot again for all the goals....he's not even trying! I would play an 18 year old kid instead of this phoney. I think he is doing it on purpose...i really do
  4. Yes he did...but lambert had still offered his resignation whether fox was there or not. He still gave a new contract to a manager who was obviously unhappy
  5. He gave lambert a new contract after 4 games then sacked him a few months later AFTER the guy had offered his resignation!! If somebody wants out, you let them go. What was fox thinking?
  6. Exactly this. If you have a manager that is anywhere near capable he's not going to need people to tell him which players to buy. Another layer of management that is just not required.
  7. Agree with this. She is the one with the issue and you have told her how you feel so it's up to her. Give her and yourself a bit of space and see what happens. In my experience some women do kick up a fuss about some issue or another just to see what response they get. Sounds like you responded how she wanted you to. If all else fails DHUTWU and tell her you've being shagging all your female 'friends' for years HTH
  8. Now you put it like that, he seems exactly the type of player we need!!
  9. Can you see anybody paying money for this guy though? They only have to watch a few of our games this season to see how poor he's been
  10. Watch him for the 3rd aswell...from the corner. All over the place...in guzans way, on the line, comes off the line & then nowhere near anyone
  11. We can blame the manager, the set up, the tactics, the owner etc all day long....but if you buy a player of micah richards' experience you would expect a player who knows how to play at centre back/full back. Just watch him for all 3 goals last night....just focus on him and follow everything he does for each goal. He is all over the place. He looks like a sunday morning pub player. He's either not got the ability/fitness to play professional football or he is playing s***e on purpose. Being as though he has played for a club like man city and been capped by his country, i would say he has the ability. This guy needs to go...the sooner the better
  12. Who do u expect to come in exactly?
  13. Oh I forgot to mention when the sales girl in my local electrical store told me i would be 'future proofing' myself by purchasing a 4k tv.
  14. Oh man, this x 1000!!! This irritates me much more than it should but I just can't ignore it. When did 'in the future' become redundant? I think the people who spout this rubbish believe they are sounding intellectual, & modern. It's part of this whole new modern corporate chatter that is designed to fool us into thinking the 'spouter' knows what they're talking about. (See our own fantastic Mr Fox!)
  15. I agree, he looks half decent sometimes....but he's had 5 years to nail down a place in a poor team and he hasn't. Nothing to do with his fee/wages, he should have been a regular for years. He continually flatters to deceive. He's had chance after chance and has done NOTHING. Why do you think that will change now?
  16. I agree, i really do....but i think its in times of adversity that the real fans stand up and support the club/shirt regardless. I started going to villa on my own(without dad!) in the 87/88 season....11k v blackburn on a wednesday night....it was brilliant :-) it got me hooked, just the craic of it all. Perhaps the more the players realise we're supporting the club, and always will do, rather than them, might strike a chord with them. I certainly think the wycombe abuse got them thinking!
  17. Yeah but it's still the villa though. I'd go and watch them if we were in the conference playing torquay. They're my team, always will be
  18. You know that this 'story' is a fourth hand rumour dont you? He appeared for 2 games because garde needed to look at every player. He looked at him and came to the same conclusion as every other manager at villa park, he's useless, literally....of no use. It's not his fault he's paid 60k a week though, poor chap
  19. I have genuinely heard several people from ethnic minority groups say 'how can i be racist?...I'm black/asian/chinese etc. I just shake my head in disbelief
  20. Forget the 60k, forget who signed him & why, this guy is useless. Bacuna is not a premiership player nor sinclair, imo, but what do you base your opinion on whereby you would play him 'every day of the week' before those two? Bacuna - not good enough Sinclair - not good enough N'zogbia - not good enough, shite attitude, & not match fit.
  21. Is it reasonable to expect a guy who was made one of the clubs all time highest earners to be somewhere near one of the clubs better players?? He has been dog****.
  22. He is walking proof of the shambles that this club has become, i totally agree...he's also personally responsible for his own performance and application. It's the, 'its not his fault he's paid 60k a week' comments that grate....its his fault that he's given us probably 5 half decent performances in 5 years tho...and thats being generous.
  23. His wages aren't the no.1 issue with this guy, if he was being paid 10k a week i would still think he was a a.hole. He has talent....thats the issue....and he refuses to apply himself and use that talent to help us. His 60k a week just rubs salt into an already angry wound. I would rather watch talentless players run their balls off for the villa.
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