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Everything posted by Xela

  1. Are you going to be able to afford a social life if you take a pay cut? If so then it might be worth going for that role. Depends what you want out of life I guess. I don't mind a bit of pressure and stress as it makes the days go quicker. I think i'd get bored in a fairly mundane role.
  2. Hodgson has done well with Palace this year.
  3. Xela


    13 without a win. He's really turned them around.
  4. They call it a 'teaser trailer' but they have practically shown most of the film!
  5. Xela


    Yeah I have a pair of Merrells as well. What about it?
  6. Xela

    First Memory

    My favourite World Cup
  7. Xela

    First Memory

    I remember my first day at prep school. I was 3 years and 3 months. Kitted out in shorts, green blazer and green cap I was a right bobby dazzler. Unfortunately I cried all day and bit one of the teachers (who used to be an extra in Crossroads) on the arm. She may have swore at me.
  8. Xela


    Rick Owens High Tops.
  9. Names aren't important... they're all bitches If you want my number snowmeister then just ask Not today chum, had a chicken tikka baguette for lunch and i'm feeling a bit delicate.
  10. Apple, Samsung or Google... whatever phone I have, no one calls or texts
  11. I'd have said the opposite? Usually its people saying how superior their device is to an Apple product. All much of a muchness to me nowadays.
  12. I hate it when you finish a show you have been binging on for a while. Kind of feels odd not watching it. Up to speed on Elementary now... must have watched 80 episodes in the last couple of months. I know its far away from being a classic but I found it enjoyable and relaxing to watch.
  13. Received a proper shitty email from a senior Director in another part of the organisation saying I had promised something to a client (I hadn't) and that I hadn't done something else (I had). They copied in my boss and my bosses boss with the sole intention no doubt of getting me into bother. Years ago I'd have been fretting and would have spoken to my manager all worried even though I know I hadn't done anything wrong. I'm not quite sure when my attitude changed... maybe its age or the fact i'm comfortable in the fact that I am good at my job but I basically 'replied to all' in the email and went to town! Called the sender out on his email of grossly incorrect assumptions and that he should perhaps check his facts before emailing me like that and embarrassing himself again. No doubt there will be some blowback on it but I'm not putting up with that bullshit. Tosser.
  14. The film is literally the only other thing that I know he has done!
  15. Xela

    General Chat

    I think I went to school with him
  16. Serves you right for shopping at Tesco. No sympathy.
  17. The disproportionate amount of people in my office who are lazy bastards. There are a few people stealing a living there.
  18. I admire him for being in Casualty that long. He hasn't left to 'further his career' or work on 'new projects', he has just miked the BBC gravy train for 30 years doing the same role! I think he is BBC's highest paid actor! He must be minted!
  19. Xela

    General Chat

    You're not a burglar then, merely a trespasser? Anyway, in answer to your question... I would do a shit in the kettle.
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