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Everything posted by AvfcRigo82

  1. Possibly.. You might need to wait 5 years though when he is near the end of his career and he might just then want to actively look for a step down and a challenge at a lower level? He will probably sign for someone like Newcastle though who are deemed to have became a much bigger club than we are apparantly? - If they can convince champions league winning managers to stay with them whilst in the championship then anything is indeed possible.
  2. Not much about today at Haydock and too short prices, Taunton again a few decent horses bit not much value to be had. Newbury looks slightly better. I like the look of Hunts Man Son in the 1.50 and Knockanrawley 2.25. 2 singles and a double. Best of luck to those getting involved today.
  3. To be fair TRO I think enough buring of our heads in the sand has happened for too long now. We need to take a long hard look at this table because that is the reality and the hard evidence that reveals we are rapidly failing the objectives set this season.
  4. Nope. It's called bullshit. The only thing he has built round Jack, and the whole club for that matter is false hope.
  5. Anyways, back on topic.. Best of Luck today Tony.. err I mean Steve. - Hopefully it is your last game!
  6. Seconded. I would take a 21 year old Gabby from MON era too, but I would sooner have Defoe from then or even now still - 7 days a week, twice on Sunday over Agbonlahor of any age or managerial era.
  7. Jermaine Defoe has kept himself in a condition of constantly playing and scoring goals. I doubt Gabby will still be kicking a football at 35 let alone scoring goals. For me, this lad has been finished since Houllier left.
  8. He's halfway then as the place has already became a circus managed by a clown of the highest order!
  9. That's before he has even endured Bruce ball..
  10. May I ask your opinion as to why you think this will be?
  11. I will tell you what else is needed now too.. A change from Bruce Ball.
  12. We could just quite make it if we get a decent manager in within the next few games...?
  13. Providing we get the right manager to get us there
  14. Probably busy with Wyness facing all those "Hard questions" that are needing to be asked!
  15. Cracked me up the bit where Bruce says: Looks like his jokes are as up to date as his style of management -which obviously also died the same time as Woolworth's!
  16. Not sure if this has been posted elsewhere but kind of ironic really!
  17. I think the new manager bounce will prevail here. What's the odds and the irony that Gestede or Traore will rub the salt in the wound scoring the only goal that beats us and see's Bruce get the sack!
  18. I agree I would still sign a new striker and let 2 of the 3 under performers go in the opposite direction.
  19. Kodja aside, He might get a tune out of 2 of them, one might come back from across the world in different spirits under a different manager and the other lad might start showing why we paid £12m for him with a bit of service.. but the other one in Gabby I don't hold much hope for.
  20. It becomes more laughable the more you read about it and our downward spiral and what is become acceptable! Shall we give it till end of Feb and our standards will be that we have done a great job in avoiding relegation?
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