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Everything posted by JB

  1. Farrell (and several other English players) gets a lot of shit (mainly from the Welsh and Irish) but he's a cracking player. It was not so long ago that he was running the show as we destroyed the All Blacks. Not many 10s can say they've done that.
  2. Wow that's a beauty. How did West Ham get Adidas, though? Is it one of those deals where the club pays for the kits?
  3. Jack Reacher. What a pile of cliched shit. Some of his "quips" are so unbelievably lame, not much better than "I know you are but what am I?". Cruise looks like he's walking around puffing his chest out and sucking his gut in, too.
  4. I'm finding it difficult to get as excited as normal about the Lions this time around. The Aussies aren't at their strongest and the Lions selection has been quite uninspired IMO. A few of those Welsh guys are very lucky to be touring. Roberts and Davies (in for his passing game?!) haven't shone for a while. Warburton isn't a great pick as captain either. Wales have lost the last 7 games he's led them, including 4 against Australia. Tipuric is the better player and Robshaw has had a better season. Wales were very poor for the best part of a year, losing to, amongst others, Samoa at home. It seems to me that one game is being used as evidence to suggest that they should make up the majority of the team. In that case, why is England destroying the All Blacks being seemingly forgotten about? Wales consistently bottle it against the SH nations. It's a shame they can never get as up for a game as they do against England. I can't think of many Welsh players who've had an impact in the Heineken Cup either, other than Lee Byrne being in the final. Corbisiero should have gone. England's scrum looks ten times better with him in there. I'd love to have seen Ben Morgan at 8 as well. I don't understand why he hasn't been picked. I think he would've been particularly awesome in Aussie conditions. I agree with others that this in the best chance for us to win a series that I can remember. Unfortunately, I don't think we've necessarily got/picked the players to do it.
  5. JB


    Any sign of a post-match interview from Dickanio yet? Should be interesting...
  6. Emotional! This is just awesome. What a side we'll be next season if we can keep this bunch together!
  7. FUCCKINNGGGG YESSSSSS! Get in Andi! Had a feeling he'd get a goal tonight! Front up now boys!
  8. Watched Silver Linings Playbook. Absolutely loved it. Cooper was amazing in it.
  9. JB


    Looks like a couple of the old cliches apply here... Dick-anio has done Lambert's team talk for him, pin that quote up in the dressing room etc. Cock. Would love us to be the team to wipe the arrogant, fascist smirk of his face.
  10. JB

    Knee injury

    Yep. As well as hips/glutes and hamstrings. Tight and/or weak hip flexors can cause knee problems as can imbalances between the muscles that make up the quadriceps.
  11. Fair play, despite the cheesy presentation, that's awesome. Man yoga just seems amazing doesn't it? Everyone I read about who practices it seems to experience incredible results. Obviously we only hear about the success stories but I'm taking that shit up when I hit my mid-thirties!
  12. Yes. Just, yes. http://m.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/apr/08/margaret-thatcher-death-etiquette
  13. Not watched wrestling for a long while but judging by what I'm reading elsewhere, this has been shit so far. Several really flat, lame finishes to matches.
  14. Sorry OptaJoe but what a shit stat. Take away pretty much any team's leading scorer's goals and they'd be far below where they are in the table.
  15. Was coming on here to say that I can see us nicking a draw from this - 1-1 or 0-0. Then I saw our defence. Toure (Y) is going to destroy us.
  16. I can see I'm fighting a losing battle here! Buuuuut... whilst I don't disagree that there will be countless incidents of stamping going unpunished (I've been on the receiving end myself), I think that the nature of this one was particularly disgusting. IIRC, the leg was prone with the knee slightly off the floor, so any significant downward force would be more likely to cause the leg to break than if it had been flat. I don't see how the intention could've been anything other than to injure him - you can tell by the way Healy goes at him. Cole is very, very lucky that his leg is still in one piece.
  17. But that's the thing. Healy didn't ruck him - he stamped on him. It could have ended Cole's career. If I recall correctly, on the BBC coverage, Keith Wood was the only one to play it down, and he back-tracked somewhat on the red button coverage after the game. There's no difference between what Healy did and what Calum Clark did to the Leicester front rower, apart from a 29-week difference in the length of their bans.
  18. Nothing really in it?! I'm all for respecting everyone's opinions but I don't think I've ever thought anyone was more wrong! It's a vicious stamp on a relatively fragile part of the body and was clearly intended to cause injury. There's no place for anything like it in any sport.
  19. I'm struggling to believe you've seen the incident mate... Whatever the rights and wrongs of Cole's actions, the stamp was disproportionate punishment and was clearly an attempt to injure. Frustration is not an excuse for brutally stamping on someone's leg in a way that could easily break it. I love rugby - playing and watching - but I hate this psuedo-macho bullshit that if someone breaks the rules then whatever happens to them is fair game. Healy is an utter word removed, always has been, and has really got off extremely lightly here.
  20. 2 game ban for Healy. Absolute joke IMO. He'd clearly lost his head and was trying to injure a fellow professional. Cole's ankle could easily have been shattered by the stamp and I think the ban should've reflected how long he would've been out injured if it had. Calum Clark was banned for 32 weeks for what he did to the Leicester player. The only difference I can see between the two is that Clark succeeded in injuring his man. TBH, if it was up to me, words removed like Healy, Clark and anybody else who intentionally tries to seriously injure a fellow professional, would be banned for life.
  21. Really enjoyed that game actually. A really attritional contest. I thought Guscott summed it up perfectly when he described it as "gladiators playing chess". The difference between this England team and that of the last few years is remarkable. It's great to see us playing with an actual game plan and really meeting the opposition's ferocity head-on. Fair play to Stuart Lancaster. What an utter, utter word removed Cian Healy is, though. I've always thought he came across as an arrogant, obnoxious prick and today really confirmed it. Deserves a lengthy ban (and a hiding).
  22. Very strange one for me is old NRC. He had a handful of quite frankly storming games for us. He also had many, many games where he simply couldn't pass the ball a yard. Still, I find it very strange that he's still unattached. There are far worse players than him plying their trade in the top flight. Also, I don't remember him being that much of a rocket polisher... A bit up his own arse, yes, but seemed like quite a genuine, hard working guy.
  23. Absolutely. I remember watching that game and just thinking 'wow'. He was unbelievable that day. I don't recall him ever featuring in such an advanced role for us again, though.
  24. I swear I saw this on Channel 4 a few weeks ago...
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