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Everything posted by ml1dch

  1. Maybe they're not being fooled. Maybe they're just weighing up neoliberalism versus fascism and thinking that four years of bog-standard crony-capitalism, while imperfect, is still better than whatever incoherent, simple-minded mess this is.
  2. I dunno. Previously you had relatively sensible people in charge who knew they had to say terrible things to keep their terrible supporters onside. Now the people who were once the terrible supporters are now the terrible people in charge.
  3. Good thing she got a helping hand along the way.
  4. Well, not really evidently otherwise I wouldn't have felt the need to ask. Your phrasing of "the hope was" seemed to suggest a broader feeling or analysis that went beyond the personal wishes of people emotionally attached to that particular outcome.
  5. I do remember reading quite recently that the next predicted global food shortage is likely to be milk, as it (and its byproducts) become increasingly popular amongst the growing Asian middle-classes and demand is starting to massively outstrip supply. Although I accept that I might just have been the victim of targeted propaganda by the milk marketing board.
  6. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    Joe Biden lives in Wilmington. Former Democratic nominee candidate Pete Buttigieg was mayor of South Bend, Indiana. So it's suggesting it's interesting that the two are meeting. Not sure why that would be all that interesting though, as Biden has already said his VP candidate will be a woman. So maybe the two just wanted to hang out together. And Keyblade probably didn't think the substance of the tweet was all that exciting, more the tweeter's similar MO to thetrees and his history of spotting Randy Lerner's (and others') planes into BHX and what it might have meant for Villa.
  7. The one they named the Maine version after The body of water on the right-hand side of the picture:
  8. I've spent most of the last two days in Portland Harbour, and my whole body is now the colour of the inside of a watermelon. Lovely water though.
  9. Just imagine the sort of horrendous goblin that you'd meet on there.
  10. I wouldn’t describe people's views being better represented as being a "major drawback". Besides, if the two you mention had found a seat in Parliament, maybe the Conservative party might have continued living up to its name and not felt the need to adopt their positions as party policy.
  11. Indeed. I've checked our copy, final page. "That's my mermaid, her mirror is so shiny"
  12. There is definitely massive prejudice in the mermaid community against reverse mermaids.
  13. At least these dangerous channel crossings give the "all lives matter" types a great opportunity to support these people and demonstrate that they aren't just massive racists.
  14. It's not really anything more sinister than a cash-in from what is (in my experience) the most popular set of sensory books for young toddlers. The mouse erection looks even worse on the book.
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