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Everything posted by ml1dch

  1. Another border to take control of: At least the schadenfreude industry is going to get a massive boost as a result of all this incompetence.
  2. So this way it sends a warning to the HR department that they've got a wrong 'un that needs watching.
  3. Your periodic reminder that the Government doesn't care if you live or die as long as they get tell the morons who voted it into power that they are sticking it to Brussels.
  4. Based on his conduct from the last five years I'd have expected it to be collusion and selling what he knew to the Russians, rather than the usual Tory incompetence.
  5. Presumably this is apart from the former Tory MP convicted of multiple sexual assaults last week?
  6. It is, as long as he is happy to consider "the state" and "local authorities" as valid owners.
  7. I dunno. I'd say that a morally ugly, politically abhorrent troll whose whole purpose is to make everyone's life a bit shitter is 100% on brand for this government.
  8. Odd. I thought it was a short, balding, goblin-looking, northern white bloke who was the biggest cause of people not taking it seriously enough.
  9. As per one of those Goodall tweets, it’s akin to the Government announcing on Twitter at 10pm on December 24th that they were criminalising going to a different house to your own, starting in two hours.
  10. 1 - many of the bigger lenders have included an automatic three month extension because of lockdown. Some will do the same but on a discretionary basis. 2 - it doesn't really. Your offer expiring and purchase not completing won't impact your score at all. Any impact on a score is at the point of application, and is negligible unless you are doing loads of applications to loads of different lenders. In reality if your offer expires and you still intend to complete you'll probably just reapply, and unless your finances have changed then they'll just say yes, like they did last time. And you'll have a whole new six months to play with.
  11. Not really sure what the confusion is. "Muslims - don't meet your family tomorrow for the biggest holiday in your calendar. Instead spend the day getting ratted at the pub, and then get yourselves ready for your return to the office on Monday" Perfectly clear.
  12. Favourite is Allegra Stratton. Four years at Newsnight, four years in charge of ITV News, quit earlier this year to be Director of Comms. for Rishi Sunak and married to none-more-in-the-Government-loop journalist James Forsyth. Pretty much the perfect CV for their Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda.
  13. Doing the job already, might as well make it official. Edit: I reckon two posts counts as consensus.
  14. Then again, if it is political I'd wonder whether pissing off hundreds of thousands of voters is really the best bit of politicking you could do.
  15. Then again, if one of the most furious areas of political debate of the last few years had been on the nuance of the nomenclature used for Iranians, the religion they (mostly) practice, the political class and how your chosen words meant you were either going to be labelled a massive racist or simply someone concerned about human rights - then you'd probably make sure that you were being precise in your choice of words if the subject of Iran came up in conversation.
  16. "So the logo is internet-friendly, yeah? No embarrassing cropping going to happen?" "I'm sure it'll be fine".
  17. To be perfectly honest, I still find "you can dislike Israel..." to be a pretty problematic statement. I'm assuming it’s convenient short-hand for "many of the policy decisions taken by the Israeli government and the attitudes of many Israeli people towards the concept of a Palestinian state", but without the additional context it's still a pretty dodgy claim to make.
  18. "Actually, I think that ALL lives matter..."
  19. So you're saying they are anti anti-anti-semites?
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