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Everything posted by Wainy316

  1. Regarding the none spoilery bit of the above spoiler, it is believed she now has a no nipple clause.
  2. There's no such thing as female peados duh.
  3. I believe that, sadly, that is true. and it's such an important thing, a General Election. Yet many, many people will be far more clued up about say, Game of Thrones, their football team, Made In Chelsea etc, than what each party stands for and proposes in their manifestos. It's all a bit depressing. Well the one in bold definitely evokes more emotion and attention from me. It's the only field that I've signed up to a message board for.
  4. I thought women always poo? They don't even have urinals.
  5. I usually take what the Mirror says, flip it to the total opposite and you're closer to the truth.
  6. Recurrence of his injury. Vacated the IC title last night. Very similar timing to last year with the world title.
  7. Have you got your 'Benteke tickets' for Burnley yet? Oh no, that would be the fa cup final
  8. Oh joy! I'm using the saw cleaver.
  9. Wainy316

    Hell Is...

    what an honest bunch of people.
  10. Ramsey is the best antagonist since Joffrey. Truly horrible bastard.
  11. Tbf, it is worth watching for the goalkeepers, absolute hilarity.
  12. Martin did originally intend it to be unfilmable and after a great start it does look like it's now the case.
  13. In America is there literally no other choice apart from Democrats and Republicans?
  14. Wainy316


    I am so confused as to why people don't book online. For the two hours people are in the queue they could quite easily have logged in and purchased. Anyway good luck to everyone!
  15. Sorry but that boss was incredibly easy for me. Rush the one that uses pyromancy, once he is dead they will pop the snake heads, then split them up and take one out at a time. If you hear one cast the giant snakes, just keep side stepping. Don't try to attack while the giant snake is out. Or you can be cheesy and just attack all 3 without killing them, but getting them to low health. They won't transform till one dies so you can get them all low on health, then take each of them out with a few strikes even when they transform. I got the pyro guy down to a few hits and the other two transformed. I then finished him off, but couldn't get near the other two when they were snakified. Would you recommend rolling right up to them and getting a few hits in before dashing? Play conservatively like you are fighting another human. Right from the fog gate I rush the fire one and get as much damage I can. Then I back up to the other side of the arena and the two katana guys will follow you but the pyro wont. Once you split the two from the pyro, go and rush the pyro. Repeat till pyro is dead, then copy the same mentality for the last 2. Once the pyro guy is down, it's pretty easy cause they only do physical attacks. Yeah just beaten them, divide and conquer worked. Now having trouble with that bloody hunter in the house afterwards. You wear him down for ages then he just kills you with a lightning shower.
  16. The worst diversion from the books yet.
  17. Wainy316

    Hell Is...

    Which is why I will never get in any kind of vehicle for any journey upwards of 10 minutes (except for a train) after a few beers. I was recently in a taxi from Leamington to Redditch after many beers. Needed a piss as we got in. I'd only just met the people I was with too. After half an hour I was in an absolute world of pain. Like actual, real pain. Can't be good for you i remember going to villa v stoke two seasons ago and me and the missus were that wasted we left at half time which was ok anyway because it was an awful 0.0 but anyway we got a taxi back to rugeley which the driver under charged us so that was a bonus. as soon as we left brum i was in severe pain because i needed a piss and as we was going through lichfield i could not take it anymore and made the driver pull up a residential street so i could have a piss in the street in broad day light. the relief was unreal but i got some unsavoury looks, sorry stefan if it was your street. Officially the worst game I've ever attended. Cameron Jerome had their only shot and it went for a throw. My worst was Blackburn away in 2009. I was in a taxi with two mates and two people I'd just met, they were terrified if piss myself on them. Eventually the driver had to let me out to piss in one of the home pubs car parks. I was that desperate I forgot I still had my Villa scarf on which a mate quickly grabbed off me.
  18. So why did you all vote for a party whose policies were less anti-austerity than Labour and will blindly lead you out of Europe like the Pied Pier if you get independence? Another shining example of how the people believe a message but don't look at the actual substantive policy. Scottish independence is a ridiculous notion. Wanting independence and being a part of the EU? How does that square itself, even if they'd let you join, which they won't. If the Scottish are more left wing than the English they should have voted Labour If the Scottish are pro-European independence is an utter nonsense. Sorry but the SNP sold you all a pup or we could be led out of europe by the conservatives and ukip nutters via the english vote. it all depends on the terms of the eu referendum, if all countries need to agree to leave then scotland and northern ireland certainly will vote to remain part of the european union, but if we are dragged out because england votes to leave with the greater population size, it'll be mandate for another scottish referendum. why would europe not let in the 14th most prosperous country in the world?, as a whole the uk is 18th by the way 14th most preposterous country more like.
  19. Scotland is exactly the same. The only differences I notice when I go there are that I can't understand what people say and monopoly money qualifies as sterling.
  20. Wainy316


    Is it 1 ticket per ref? Yeah but you can buy multiple and assign other valid references tot he other tickets.
  21. They need to play in tighter tops. Preferably showing cleavage and mid-riff. Oh and hot pants too
  22. Wainy316


    Annnnnnnnnnnnnd relax. Tickets booked, block 537. Villarule123, you can just give me a slap if you want then.
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