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Everything posted by VILLAMARV



    BBC Hard to see the introduction of tasers into British society as any sort of success with incidents like this.
  2. Yeah, check the GG thread it's all in there The GG contract is the only thing of the Xia era I haven't really got on board with so far. I get that it's protecting an asset that could leave for free in the summer and in the days of FFP that fees have importance as generated income but as Lansbury is (including the loanees) the 10th CM at the club I just found it odd especially as he was having such a torrid time in the first team.
  3. Yeah, if you were inclined to study this thread I'm probably one of his biggest cheerleaders. I like what he brings to the table even if he is less mobile than he was a couple of years ago. But I'd say Jordan's not wrong. We were just so bad as he can walk (ho-ho) into our midfield.
  4. Wrong thread maybe but I just rate him the least out of our band of misfit midfielders. Westwood may only recycle possession but he at least does that. I haven't seen all of Gardner's performances this year but when I have he's been woeful. And yes, I know he scored a header against the scum, for which I'm obviously grateful. He's had his injury problems but if he couldn't take his chance this season when he finally got it after waiting so long it's surely time to just move on. I think it will be the best for him and us.
  5. Yeah, I saw that. Tweet said sorry avfc legs have gone or something like that. Nothing we haven't worked out already though right?
  6. Hourihane in and a Left Midfielder and I'll be happy A Right Back aswell and I'll be well happy If we get a decent Striker in aswell I'll be getting near delighted.
  7. I hope Gardner is first out the door personally
  8. That 6.74 for Bacuna there at the bottom I assume it's out of a hundred right?
  9. Not past stats like 17 league games 1 goal 2 assists 1 goal and 1 assist in 1 cup match 5 games in the Europa league. St Ettienne are unbeaten in their group. Missed the last group match sat on the bench, when they beat Anderlecht to top the group.
  10. Not always as easy as it sounds this getting them through the door malarkey
  11. Still can't bring myself to @Jareth so Hanoi got mine instead.
  12. The idiots on talk sport yesterday were suggesting @ £40k a week apparently
  13. on twitter now official page Welcome to B6 EDIT: Operator error w/ linkings
  14. Tony: What was that? Marketing Director: Nothing boss
  15. indeed. Hourihane's ball in for Barnsley's second particularly catches the eye
  16. Id be more inclined to believe you weren't being disingenuous if you had any consideration for the energy are you creating for yourself in belittling spiritual energy by attempting to get a response from people in a thread about a french footballer with it by attributing heightened abilities to pre-scout players from their photographs to your wonderfulness. It's not really how it works. But there you go. Each to their own.
  17. So we've offered £6m for Rhodes and they want £9m?
  18. So his press conference this morning said he's hoping Lansbury will be training with them at 10:30. But he's there, done his medical and terms agreed with the player. "Close to 1 or 2 others" "Not close on Rhodes for example....tried wur best......looks as if it's not going to happen" "The boy Hourihane, we're waiting to hear back from Barnsley back today so we're led to believe so we hope we can announce something with that one pretty shortly too" faceache
  19. I think you're the only one though tbf.
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