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Everything posted by VILLAMARV

  1. Seeing as we have issues with holding on to leads, he could yet be a pretty useful option over the next couple of years doing this imo.
  2. I get what you're saying there but off the back of last season I'm just happy we've found a way to stop losing. If you had said to me in May that the following January we would be unbeaten at home and 3 wins off the playoffs I'd have laughed. I just see it as learning to walk again before we start running.
  3. Watched a load of stuff visiting people over Xmas/NewYear Heavy: Zero Days Holy Hell Kidnapped for Christ 13th City 40 Light: Supermensch Life Animated All worth a gander imo
  4. He doesn't. If anyone else has followed the way Putin has dealt with the media in Russia during his tenure Trump is doing the same but just loads more blatant (like everything he does). The underlying premise is that you undermine the public's faith in all media and actively push out factually incorrect 'news'. Some of the stuff is blatantly false, some not so blatant, some believable and some actual factually correct news, Good or Bad. In that environment it becomes, over time, impossible for the people to spot the difference. The objective is obviously to control the media by way of controlling the narrative. Something that was less complicated in the days of the print media (With Hillsborough the shining example in our lifetimes). Putin has even been found to be indirectly funding many of the dissenting groups within Russia. Arranging protests and so on. The 'goldengate' scandal was the perfect example. In his press conference which should have been about his business affairs, possible collusion with foreign powers and the billionty stupid things he's said and done, he managed to totally control the narrative and like I said REALLY BLATANTLY when he shut down that journalist. Apart from the scary/masterful way he dodged any questions about his business dealings by sending that lawyer out to filibuster for 15 minutes, he spent the rest of the time basically discussing whether some post on reddit was true or not and everyone seems to have lapped it up. It's sexy, it's miss world, it's like Bond, in Russia with miss world only it's also really gross and voyeuristic and even if you don't believe it we'll all remember it more than what that lawyer said and that's the play. I think if you look back at the bit where he says the story is false he is utterly believable. When the journalist follows up with where it came from he starts his usual distraction nonsense and looks rather shifty. I think that tells it's own tale to me. Get used to it too because this is how he's going to play it for as long as he lasts.
  5. And we're still unbeaten at home
  6. What a shame. Sounds like we should have put it to bed 1st half.
  7. Come on Villa Lets get at them Lansbury off for Bacuna guys and girls
  8. If anyone hasn't seen it Subs: Bunn, Richards, Elphick, Bacuna, Tshibola, Gardner, Davis Thing is goal conceeded aside we've sounded pretty good.
  9. Jesus wept, I just saw the bench for the first time. Richards


    @Ingram85 I wasn't accusing you of anything mate. I was a little drunk about 2:30am when I posted it so maybe its just more ranty than normal No one individual is "sane adults" Again though the problem with your reasoning for me is where does it stop? I too in this and every instance would just tell the police my name. I wouldn't argue in the street, I wouldn't push against them to get to my house. But what if they want proof? I do not carry photo id. What if they didn't believe me? Are we going to arrest people to make them prove who they are? I am pleased that in the UK we are able to have this debate about tasers. In the US they are having the exact same debate but about APC's.


    Not good at all and no saving graces it seems. They had the gall to charge him with assaulting a police officer and a public order offence. I miss the Rule of Law. What the hell are we supposed to do when sane adults will see this and make excuses along the lines of "just comply" and "nothing to worry about if you're doing nothing wrong"? Try getting dragged out of your garden gate and tasered in the face and then warned about the taser already in your face coming at your face 5 seconds ago. For walking your dog and telling the police you're not the man they're looking for, (Something you would have thought they had considered based on the fact they had already mistaken him for the same man in 2009 when he won a wrongful arrest case against A&S Police and got compensation) while going back into your house and being obstructed from doing so on a public highway, assaulted on your own property by trespassers, before being tasered at close quarters for not giving answer to a question that the public servants deemed appropriate? The fear was that like absolutely everything before it once it's an available tool it will be used for more and more incidents of ever decreasing severity. ED-209 "You have 20 seconds to comply"
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