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Everything posted by VILLAMARV

  1. Is that the New Year joke from 2 pages back?
  2. I'd add that Amavi has a bit about him. Like others have said he can cross the ball and beat a man. Hutton not so much. When you add in the horrible injury Amavi suffered and is still recovering from it doesn't surprise me at all that he gets an easier ride. Chalk and cheese for me those two.
  3. So if Tony is to be believed that's 99.99% probability of player A joining and also of player C joining. 99.98% probability of players A and C, 98% probability of player B. 97.99% probability of players A and B joining and B and C, 97.98% probability of players A, B and C, 50% probability for D. 49.99% probability of A and D or C and D as well as A,C and D as well as B,C and D 49% probability of B and D 48.99% probability of A, B, C and D joining or I'm over thinking it
  4. Start as you mean to go on. Awful, but totally expected unfortunately.
  5. I love being abroad and getting the world service version of the TV news. It's a shame we don't just get that here. Loads less mates on the sofa filling time advertising Apple products in segments masquerading as technology news and the like.
  6. Also to be unbiased in my own way the BBC still provide a mouthpiece for people like Adam Curtis. For that we should be thankful yes? We also all know that his documentaries are hidden away somewhere in the annuls of the search function on their website. What does that tell you? Have they ever been screened prime time on the channels? Because stuff like that was what panorama used to push out, now that particular programme is a laughing stock journalistically. But if they cancelled Eastenders one night and chucked Hypernormalisation on for the masses wouldn't that be a fine thing for the world. They also in keeping it on topic gave a mouthpiece for Greg Palast via Newsnight after he was banned from appearing on American TV. His letters to America were great. The BBC done that. Again, well done. Things to celebrate. What do you mean it was 20 years ago?
  7. You used to be able to spot a false story put out by the CIA for example by checking to see what version of the story the BBC were running or if they ran with it at all. It used to be common for them not to participate in the propaganda line of various stories. Most notably in my lifetime Chavez being overthrown in Venezuela where the BBC ran with the story but left out the assigning of blame like the American press did (Which subsequently turned out to be CIA nonsense exposed by French journalists who uncovered the story). Nuances like that in the way they choose to report the facts are the things I'm referring to mainly. Sticking to the facts was where their reputation was forged. Look at the difference in a programme like Question Time before Thatcher got broadsided by that lovely lady in the 80's and after. We just have this watered down preprepared nonsense now whereas it masquerades as a chance for the people to ask the politicians stuff. The reality now is, if you want to be in the crowd you will give your details along with your question in advance to be screened beforehand. In their general news coverage the right wing bias is also just plain to see but also the subject of university papers now starting to prove their coverage is anything but unbiased (Cardiff University I believe). I saw an interview with Rageh Omar where he spoke of his disenchantment at realising he was an embedded journalist during the Iraq war and the restrictions that placed on him to actually report the facts as a major reason for quitting the BBC. It may well still be one of the better ones. Just I see a drop in standards and like I said I think that's a shame.
  8. Im not suggesting for a second they haven't always been a biased institution when it comes to news. Just that in my lifetime we have seen a drop in quality of reporting that is astounding. I see them as little more than a mouthpiece of our Govt now, with little or no journalistic standards. And I think that's a shame. Edit: Hence at Trump's press conference he actually made me laugh with the line "Who? The BBC? Oh, there's another beauty" after accusing the throng of assembled journalists of being fake news. And this is the clever bit of Trump's strategy, because to a certain extent he's right and we all know it.
  9. I honestly think it's just as simple as he knows what he wants and just does not care what he says or does in the pursuit of it. I think the rest of his life stands testament to that. You're right the small stuff doesn't really matter but we are watching him set his stall out. Look how agressive he and his staff are towards the press over this trivial shite, now imagine what he'll be like over the important issues. It doesn't bode well. As Stefan has been pointing out. The American press is wondering, like the rest of us, how they are going to play this. Organisations have basically been embedded media for ages now, some have always been political mouthpieces like our once respected BBC has sadly become. But you're right, he's stripping them of the last vestiges of power and respect before our eyes. To ignore the way Obama, Bush Jr, Clinton, Bush Sr have systematically attacked and suppressed dissenting voices and real journalism in America over the last 20 years of my adult life would be shortsighted though. The only thing I see that's different is he is happy to openly attack the press now the mouthpiece direct to the masses is here in the technological age.
  10. Spot on. Battle for the First Amendment.
  11. I love your enthusiasm and your ability to see through what's going on. The point was really not excusing Trump and I know you know that and you're being playful, but the thing is your reply of "I'm not really interested" is a bit Trump follower-esque no? Are these not the facts you're looking for? I am as concerned as you about what's going on with Trump in the states. But to ignore their history and focus solely on what's happening right now leaves everything out of context. Yes he's gaslighting. But the reality is this is the end of a long path stretching way back past my adult life. Nothing about America's foreign policy will be decided by a man with as low a security clearance as the President at this point in history. He will most probably toe the line of the warmongerers like the majority of his predecessors. Economically he really likes money (more than ideology in my humble opinion) and the current system and is ultra conservative just like all his predecessors. Domestically, well, for me this is where it gets interesting because I believe he will have tanks on the streets at some point in his tenure. Just my opinion of course. We are witnessing something huge happening. As others have pointed out it's a geo-political reshaping of the world right before our eyes. But to ignore the role of the Clintons in getting us where we are is just surprising to me given your infectious, worthwhile, commendable enthusiasm on the subject. If nothing else (if you are so inclined, it's not a demand!!) read up on the alleged connections between the Clintons, Trump and good old 'great guy' and also convicted paedophile J. Epstein. You know, Prince Andrews alleged mate. Then maybe you may come to see him as much more of a puppet than the master. As I, and I can only assume, others do.
  12. Lazy VT, Lazy that I have to do this to myself. 0/10
  13. Have you seriously never looked into the Clintons Stefan? You'd find loads of stuff to be appalled about. You'd love it
  14. I know I should just let it lie, but the very idea that a Black Jew with a degree would last more than about 20 mins in the Rhondda is the thing I'm really struggling with here I have to say.
  15. That's more bizarre to me than Trump's hair.
  16. Lol, fake news. That guy's not Marv. There can be only one
  17. Also where he came from That he followed Kyle Walker How much he cost How high his wages were/are and his performances in the shirt while he's been here. That about covers it I think!! players may well always get more stick than they deserve but then maybe they garner a disproportionate amount of attention for kicking a bag of air about a bit eh?
  18. See how this works and is not necessarily my opinion of your joke............... Ross McCormack would definitely get it. (OT)
  19. When we were in the PL we were always/usually around the 7th highest wage bill in the country. It's fair to assume that some players may have had relegation wage drops but we'll still be massively overspending for where we are. Getting the right players out is huge for us this summer especially as promotion is a long shot at best. Lots of loanees coming back too what ever their wages are comes back with them.
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