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Everything posted by Talldarkandransome

  1. I've booked day off for this to make sure I'm not late, shame there will be empty seats, I'd rather see the away end full
  2. I think Allez Allez Allez should be amended accordingly You can hear us moaning, from the stands at villa park
  3. Personal preference I guess, I had some in my early twenties which were shocking. Now replaced in late forties with proper ones. Not sure how I'd react if my 7 year old wants one at 16
  4. I thought you had to be 18 or am I just being old
  5. I think its got summat to do with who we could probably meet in the final. It must be putting people off, either that or they are waiting till the last minute
  6. Well deserved for 2nd half performance, great finish from Konsa Do one Deeney
  7. Each to their own, I understand the reactions I just don't wanna play along with them
  8. No striker No striker No striker Yes it should have been sorted in time for this game and playing 4 matches without one is criminal but it is what it is
  9. Some over reactions on here Kin hate Deeney Katie Price going forward
  10. Don't they call people on Instagram with lots of followers Influencers? Does that mean he will be 4.07 times more influential than Jack?
  11. Never gonna work I'm afraid VAR would have disallowed most of them
  12. We signed many players in the summer, it takes time to settle just one player in. We are in a new league with mostly new players. If we can stay up this season I think we will learn much more about these new players over the summer and next season. Any other opinion, whilst valid and welcome just isn't realistic Now where's my cat
  13. Better second half... My view of the game disappeared so I missed the equaliser, was it good?
  14. Horrible, just horrible. I have no idea what they do in training all week but it cant be football. We can't hold on to the ball, we rarely string two passes together and we can't blame that on VAR.
  15. Like Gary Neville said, that's like having to choose which bloke sleeps with ya wife
  16. No Taylor? What tomfoolery is this
  17. Him and Grealish gonna get on like a house on fire
  18. Whilst I appreciate honesty I don't think Deano would ever say he didn't play Kodjia because he was planning on leaving or is shite.. The flu or the shits gets used plenty in football to cover the real truth.. playing injured players is another story though, totally agree with you on that
  19. Delphinho123 has had me chuckling today, pay a tenner to change username I think
  20. I was humming Allez Allez Allez at work the other day and my baggies supporting mate started to sing it.. he's been dragged to a few villa games this season and he appears to like it. Can't say I know or even want to know the words of other clubs songs, especially the baggies
  21. Rubber dinghy rapids bro, that's one ****** up rabbit with no ears
  22. I mentioned before that we probably got promoted a year earlier than planned. I hope Smith doesn't get sacked, but I can totally understand why some fans are asking for it
  23. Well if we can somehow win the League Cup doesn't that get us into Europe. Europa League I know but it's still Europe. In some parallel universe we could beat the same team that mawled us yesterday, that's if we get past Leicester of course
  24. If I was El Ghazi I would have knee slid towards the Holte for the fans that stayed to the end, great pen
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