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Everything posted by cyrusr

  1. It is very promising reading isn't it? Clearly the end of Black, Parks and Duverne. All direct replacements plus an additional coach with Bond. Wonder if he is keeping Cowans on board for the U21's or not?
  2. cyrusr


    Jack Woodward - AVTV hasn't impressed me at all. I'm a season ticket holder so I get it for free and I still don't watch it! I am not sure how much revenue it brings in but the potential to make it more is there. The impression I got from people's opinions is that Jack is holding it back and that it needs a refresh. Perhaps he wanted to move on anyway but it seems to be that they want to get rid of high wage earners and he will (likely) be one I would have thought. Lorna McClelland - agree with Zatman. Whilst I think she helped out with matchdays and the families; really what came across from the pitch is that the players were not integrating in the team and really that's down to the captain and the other players bringing them into the fold. It may be a case that Lorna has taken the blame and given the boot but it does seem she really knows her stuff and was the real leader in Player Liaison. If that is the reason then does make me sad; however I do not know, but my feeling is that she wants to do something else and would have left regardless. Probably though we will never really know. Tony Parks - yeah good that he actually cared but I am not sure when he got here but the quality of goalkeeping has got worse over the last year or 2; Guzan obviously the example but he has been horrific when before he was really solid. The only info on Wikipedia(!) is that he was at Spurs from November 2008. That was the season that the signed Gomes and he was not good for them I seem to remember. They did struggle for a while with goalkeeping too; maybe Parks was part of that problem? It probably for the best though that fresh start with new manager will happen though!
  3. And also their finances, business and general running of the club is probably far superior to ours. The Chairman and board more or less seem to be staying which shows they are still working, it is just simply someone to fill the pockets more and try and push Swansea further. As this season has unfolded, it has been exceptionally clear that we have been horrifically mismanaged for years now and require a massive clearing top to bottom. Swansea just need to keep going doing what they are doing. They are, or would be, a much more promising investment with a quicker return more likely, hence worth more.
  4. To be fair the reports on that says now "agreed subject to Premier League Approval" BBC Article: So they are about 2/3 weeks behind if they get ratified before us, that'll be annoying!
  5. Don't forget though that the last West Brom castoff we got was Lescott... That being said I get the impression Morrison, Dorrans and Mulumbu are all much more professional!
  6. The original story here confirms that Dr Xia is to be Chairman so I do not expect anyone else. I must say seeing Samuelson's name there does suggest more involvement than I anticipated. Rather hoping he is a director to help move along rather than anything else. Unfortunately the Capital on the documents relate to Mr Hitchins which to me definitely says administrator. Hopefully over the next few days more documents will appear (transfer of capital etc). Will be worthwhile keeping an eye on the Aston Villa companies as well (there are quite a few when you search Companies House...!). It is important to remember though that the documents are from last week and only filed with Companies House on Friday so may not mean much for movement right now, but is at least a step in the right direction!
  7. Thanks Deisler, thought your translation would be a lot better! Think it might be a "the fit and proper test is taking too long!" job. At least he is excited to get started!
  8. Just to update on all things on Tony's minds Which in my fantastic translation skills (Google) says something like this: .... Not entirely sure what that means!??!? Think he is talking about summer rebuild?
  9. cyrusr

    Carles Gil

    Me? I wrote something on an Internet forum. Gil? You could say that, or you could say that he had potential to go on and do more. But I prefer the did a hell of a lot more than most of the team.
  10. cyrusr

    Carles Gil

    Haven't Sevilla also just won the Europa League three years in a row? He may be more suited to La Liga or whatever, I will miss him if/when he goes. It was nice to see someone actually do something with the ball!
  11. Actually the colourless version is the original, they added blue colouring which has become the most well known version It is also triple sec like Cointreau which is a French. The person who thought it was a coffee liquor might be thinking of Kahlua which is excellent in an Espresso Martini Anyway back on topic! Will be interesting to see whether the lure of RDM could keep Bacuna or will he simply only work with Guardiola?
  12. Old news; Tony already said Benvenuto Roberto!
  13. Go Tony Annoucing RDM himself
  14. cyrusr

    Carles Gil

    I am a little disappointed with this. Always thought he had more about him, just was never given a full opportunity by any of the managers. Given he was the last Lambert manager and we have had 3 since then I am not surprised he wants to move. Maybe RDM can convince him otherwise if he wants but if there are La Liga teams wanting him he will go I am sure. We have not treated him well so not surprised in the slightest. I do hope he does well though. At least he hasn't been a complete d*** here; kept his head down and kept working for what it was worth!
  15. Birmingham Mail suggesting Massimiliano Marchesi (also known as 'Sheikh of the Muscles'!) as will be brought in as well as fitness coach Link
  16. What about Youssouf Mulumbu? Joined Norwich in June 2015 but looking at his stats has only made 9 appearances for them last season. Always thought he was decent at WBA and obviously has previously worked with RDM and still 29. Reckon he could do the holding midfield role.
  17. HAving looked at the website, it would appear SocFins simply assist in the purchase, finding buyers clubs and clubs buyers. It would appear that they would not have involvement in the future. Would this mean that Samuelson is simply a middle man and won't be on the board? Can see reference to Real Mallorca purchase being done by these guys. Do they have any involvement with them now? Looking at this I don't think Samuelson will be on the board and he has just simply helped out being a middle man.
  18. Isn't it a bit strange that we are playing 2 matches on 16th July? Only just clicked when I was reading the Worcester article and both refer to first team matches as well? Maybe to try and get the fitness up to the levels of the Championship?
  19. That seems to make a lot more sense! Thanks! Defecator whilst technically a word, wouldn't be used in this context. However the tone and intention behind it certainly fits!
  20. His Chinese might be a bit better than mine!
  21. Tony has put this up on his Weibo account Now with link: When using my expert Chinese translation skills (also know as Google Translate) is something like this:
  22. Fair point. But these could also be the same staff that are also likely to be out of a job soon also so may have an "axe to grind" in that respect. Doesn't hold up the validity of what Ray Wilkins/Talksport are saying IMO.
  23. This is Ray Wilkins right? The same Ray Wilkins that was an employee of AVFC until he was shown the door. The same one that suggested that he and Sherwood could have saved AVFC from relegation? I think he may not necessarily be an independent view on the topic of AVFC...
  24. When the article starts "All signs point to" I have in my head that they have just used a Magic 8 ball to determine their news stories. Still think the press are annoyed that they didn't have a clue about Dr Xia and that no one told them. Just playing on people's natural worry and concern, which the Daily Mail is so good at. Talksport just want you to call them up and argue with them at £5.00 per minute or whatever it is. Simply spinning it for the sake of it. Whilst appreciate people are concerned it has not been ratified yet, it probably hasn't even been looked at until now. If the takeover doesn't go through/will never go through it will be exceptionally embarrassing for Lerner and Hollis as well as Dr Xia. They wouldn't have sold if they didn't think it would pass the "fit and proper test" so as far as I am concerned nothing to worry about right now.
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