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Everything posted by Straggler

  1. To be fair it is the nature of the thread. Once upon a time I had a line manager who told me "if you leave everything to the last minute then everything only takes a minute". A real silver lining to procrastinating. It didn't work as a way of life of course but it did sound good.
  2. Damn wish I had written my second post in here sooner. You are the proud owner of 1000 internet points. Spend them wisely
  3. I also have an envelope here with the most obvious comedic response to this thread. The person who's post matches what is in the envelope wins 1000 internet points
  4. Today I am going to clean the bathroom. I'm not doing it because I'm on VT putting off the moment when I get started. This thread is for the jobs/tasks/moments/experiences that you are putting off rather than just getting on with it and grasping that nettle.
  5. Followed quickly by the words war and crime.
  6. I just googled "what is wrong with Rochdale" and I kid you not one of the first headlines I saw was..... Jury warned to beware of prejudice due to Rochdale’s reputation for grooming It should be make Rochdale wait again
  7. This is where I am at with him too. A lot of what he promised 4 years ago I would describe as challenging to achieve, but well worth pursuing. Near enough all of it has been discarded and I'm feeling a little burned how much has gone and why it has gone. I'm not buying the different time different audience argument either. He is in the position of responsibility now because of the commitments he made then. He needs to either deliver against them or make a convincing argument as to why they are impossible to maintain. IMO neither of those things have been done. Political expediency seems the main justification, and all that means to me is that principles are nice, but really, they are not to be found here. I'm also not sure who Starmer is actually listening to. It is not the members of his own party as votes taken at the conference are treated very much more like polling data than instructions. So I can see what is written down, but don't trust that it will be delivered. With very little transparency around how policy is formulated I can't trust the process. All I have left is hope, and the behaviour I am seeing does not inspire it. The main driving goal I can see is the campaign for a bullet proof manifesto. It seems that to achieve that bullet proof status there has to be nothing in it that the Daily Mail can make a negative headline out of. And the Daily Mail wants Tories, so the manifesto keeps lurching towards what DM readers want. This is not a good thing. If the polling is correct, Labour are about to get a massive mandate to deliver a compromised and massively underwhelming manifesto. IMO they could still be in this place without losing their souls to do so
  8. Does anyone know how many passes we strung together for that 2nd goal? Even the extended highlights don't have the whole passage of play and i could swear it must be 30 passes or more....
  9. IIRC being a sex pest gets you promoted in the Tory party. Chris Pincher is the most obvious example. You are going to need to think of deeper and more unpleasant depths for them to sink to...
  10. Yep, came here to post the very same thing. I thought at first maybe he was going for a laugh, but no. He went straight to glory to god and was dead serious.
  11. Technically correct, but there is a reason Starmer is getting to meet all the world leaders at the moment. They know what way the wind is blowing. Also, this is how Labour are representing how believe the UK should behave should they be in power.
  12. Toto seems pretty comfortable with that definition too.
  13. Their front wing is causing a little controversy too. Apparently it is within the rules, but goes against the spirit of the regulations.
  14. It's still an utter wet blanket of a position. We don't have to have the collective western liberal democracy view as our own UK objective. It is perfectly ok to have our own position and a collective bargaining position that differs slightly from it. It's like having indecisive Dave from the fast show incharge. They are supposed to be representing us in the international community, not the other way around.
  15. It was shameful politics yesterday. Everyone involved came out of it worse off. They all played the game as people die. All they achieved was to erode the hope that things will ever get better. And Starmer. He is fricking lost. He is so far from the man he promised when he became leader of the Labour party. So obsessed with the optics of doing no wrong that he will actively prevent good from happening. There is a quote out there about what triumphs when good men do nothing... Why does he have to be the option against the people who actively want to do harm?
  16. I don't understand. How does this help anyone?
  17. Never mind a party at his home. They did the same for the NRA annual conference.
  18. I know the sport isn't about aesthetics, but I won't deny that it is part of the appeal to me. This year the cars are quite dull to look at, with the minimalist approach (to paint) they are all taking to save weight. I did hear on the sky coverage of testing that they may change the rules to force the teams to put proper liveries on, and I really hope they do.
  19. It'll be worth a fortune because it is a self selecting group of the gullible all primed and ready for a good grifting. The return on the advertising of penis enlargement pumps on there must be epic.
  20. Borrow from where? Part of the judgement against him prevents him from taking loans from any bank registered in New York (which is pretty much all of them). His crime was to lie about the value of his assets to fraudulently get loans, the idea of the judgement is to prevent him doing it again.
  21. Not actually true that successive governments did nothing. There was a school building program already in place when the Tories came in. Gove cancelled it and replaced it with nothing. 100 percent on the Tories this one.
  22. Why the F is anyone listening to anything she has to say? She has been proven to be catastrophically wrong. She is so breathtakingly wrong that she makes anyone who hears her more stupid. She should be ashamed to be seen in public, how she has the nerve to actually offer anyone any advice of any sort has to be a symptom of world class lack of self awareness.
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