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Everything posted by Xann

  1. Bog roll, kindling, something to stop the table rocking, Millwall Brick...
  2. Xann

    Talk radio

    The other half likes him. I remember the story of Sedaris visiting Anne Frank's house being funny.
  3. Xann

    Talk radio

    Turn on Radio 4 now and you'll hear Sinead O'Connor being interviewed - She sounds like a bloke
  4. Mixed response, and that doesn't mean "shall we hang or stone her?" Plenty of complaints - It's not going happen again soon, but also some support. It was broadcast from a London studio, and it's become known that some Saudi Prince or other ain't too bothered about his employees covering their heads in the land of the infidel. If it looked like she was going to suffer returning to Saudi, she could always stay at my place.
  5. Saudi newsreader lets her hair down. First time ever.
  6. Maybe having a rethink, because they're taking more casualties than expected. Apparently it's Hezbollah tactics that the Palestinians have taken on board, though that doesn't seem to give the tunnelers of the Viet Cong enough credit.
  7. This is really quite relevant now. An entire region has kicked off, largely due to meddling from the West. There's talk of troops going back in again. To do what? Clear up the mess? Like the last few attempts? But Squaddie is literate and has IT. News of bankers bonuses, whilst picking your way through booby traps in Afghanistan, must be quite annoying. Seeing veterans killing themselves after getting caught up in the Ian Duncan Smith disaster, must leave a nasty taste in the mouth. Looking back, oil did seem to get more of a priority than stabilising the region. Awol is probably right about a big scrap coming. Is it a coincidence politicians and media seem to be bigging up the army and adding some shine to WWI?
  8. There's a fair bit of idiocy going on at the top of the pyramid there. Chivalric as officers leading the charge might sound, it was a bit bloody silly in an age of machine guns, snipers and barbed wire.
  9. New British 'Warrior Generation' eh? Rattle that sabre... Talk of going back before we've left. Interesting Cameron saying they've learned lessons from WWI. Surely the lesson learned there was don't kill or be killed for the idiot ruling classes.
  10. Met a sexologist from the Middle East a couple of years ago. He did say there was a bit of a revolution going on. Fascinating chap, he'd teach those that for one reason or another were scared or ignorant of sex.
  11. Anyone else ever want to do this?.
  12. Xann

    General Chat

    He didn't arrive. Will see what colour he is tomorrow. Likely a shade of green, unless he passed out. He's a 'wedged brick on the accelerator' drinker.
  13. Xann

    Science Thread

    The short stories could be a good place to start. They are often based in the universes of his more lengthy tomes and give an insight into his thinking. Themes like the dilemnas and ethics of advancing AI crop up a lot. One of my favourites plots the timeline of mankind's uber computers, which play a big part in his lengthier writings.
  14. Xann

    General Chat

    This isn't one of her friends that I'd remotely consider for that kind of action, whilst I still had a hand.
  15. Xann

    General Chat

    Yes! Hang on. That doesn't really help. No. Thanks for trying.
  16. Xann

    General Chat

    A drunk mate has promised to come to the door if I don't go to the pub. The other half is out with a friend, they will both be back this evening and her friend is staying over. I was out last night and get the feeling tomorrow will be messy also. Can't be arsed to go out, but she will be less than impressed if the pissed Mr Hyde rocks up in in the sort of state that often gives him cause for acute regret. Hmmmm? Buggered if I know what to do....?
  17. Xann

    Science Thread

    Could cut down on the time spent being hurled into the middle of nowhere for gravity slingshots, at least in the close system where there's sun.
  18. Posted the second one again, because it ain't as boring as it looks, honest
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