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Everything posted by Xann

  1. Not seen the live action 'Blood: The Last Vampire', but the anime is good and not that long.
  2. Thanks, but I'm not fascinating in real life though. I like listening to a lot of stuff that can be described as non-music, I guess there must be a small market for it else it wouldn't get pressed. I skipped that one, though one of my colleagues bought it at the time. You got the 'Dirty Fan Mail'?
  3. Most large herbivores spend a lot of time eating or trekking to areas where there is food. A supply of a concentrated foodstuff like meat, enables you to sit about a bit to ponder over the problems of life. Supermarkets like pretty looking produce. Just the right amount of blush on an apple makes them happy, even if it is tasteless.
  4. Expect they would where circumstances allow, but forks, fissures, underground waterways and sewers will confuse the matter. Plus, If a tunnel has no movement in it it's effectively invisible. There probably is a military case for a lot of the attacks, but that's just it, they're ignoring the other consequences of their actions. I expect that some hotheads in the IDF also consider it a bonus to take out a few bystanders.
  5. Wouldn't have put it quite so harshly In the case of civilian casualties, it probably depends on the munition. Tanks are on the ground and respond to what's going on around them, you can see easily how stuff gets blown up that wasn't the intended target. Guided bombs and missiles however, are precise in the majority of cases. It seems likely the Israelis considered what they were hitting, through intelligence and/or sound mapping, was worth the grief the destruction of the buildings on the surface would cause.
  6. Also, in open ground the Israelis use listening devices to locate where tunnels are running. When they go under the towns and cities it's difficult to pin them down.
  7. i hate it when music lingers, it proper turns me into a zombie. Hate that 'Linger' song. One track from this usually quiets my neighbours down
  8. It's kicked off! - In the Veggie thread?
  9. We have a large Hindu community around here, I doubt there's many easier places to be veggie in the UK.
  10. Never eaten Parrot. Tony?
  11. Yup, caveman ate everything. Neanderthals however, were pretty much carnivorous.
  12. Bit the bullet and ordered from Japan last week. Watched the new Appleseed a couple of days ago. Looks amazing, Briareos and Two Horns look great and the BIG bad guy emerging into the daylight is really, really good. Shame the story is a bit... pants.
  13. Bog roll, kindling, something to stop the table rocking, Millwall Brick...
  14. Xann

    Talk radio

    The other half likes him. I remember the story of Sedaris visiting Anne Frank's house being funny.
  15. Xann

    Talk radio

    Turn on Radio 4 now and you'll hear Sinead O'Connor being interviewed - She sounds like a bloke
  16. Mixed response, and that doesn't mean "shall we hang or stone her?" Plenty of complaints - It's not going happen again soon, but also some support. It was broadcast from a London studio, and it's become known that some Saudi Prince or other ain't too bothered about his employees covering their heads in the land of the infidel. If it looked like she was going to suffer returning to Saudi, she could always stay at my place.
  17. Saudi newsreader lets her hair down. First time ever.
  18. Maybe having a rethink, because they're taking more casualties than expected. Apparently it's Hezbollah tactics that the Palestinians have taken on board, though that doesn't seem to give the tunnelers of the Viet Cong enough credit.
  19. This is really quite relevant now. An entire region has kicked off, largely due to meddling from the West. There's talk of troops going back in again. To do what? Clear up the mess? Like the last few attempts? But Squaddie is literate and has IT. News of bankers bonuses, whilst picking your way through booby traps in Afghanistan, must be quite annoying. Seeing veterans killing themselves after getting caught up in the Ian Duncan Smith disaster, must leave a nasty taste in the mouth. Looking back, oil did seem to get more of a priority than stabilising the region. Awol is probably right about a big scrap coming. Is it a coincidence politicians and media seem to be bigging up the army and adding some shine to WWI?
  20. There's a fair bit of idiocy going on at the top of the pyramid there. Chivalric as officers leading the charge might sound, it was a bit bloody silly in an age of machine guns, snipers and barbed wire.
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