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Everything posted by Xann

  1. Your mission is simple - Pack that dance floor. The promoter couldn't give a toss what age or genre your selections come from - He just wants to see some rumps being shook. Poor choices will be rewarded with the offending media being destroyed, and the offending DJ having their ears cleaned out by a bogwash administered by brutal and clumsy bouncers. To kick off...
  2. When it comes to charging devices, the telly has more USB ports than my computer.
  3. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Godlike genius of Eddie Hazel and Bernie Worrell passed through their ranks for a bit.
  4. .... and Stewart Lee straight after.
  5. Nah. That's slack jawed faggot or cloth eared poltroon material
  6. Buckfast the other way. This is one of the things that seems to have been brushed under the carpet by Salmond. I used to coordinate international band tours before free trade in the EU came to pass. It was a pain in the ass. You need specific paperwork in the form of a registered carnet, which is a list of all your equipment and where it was made. It's a guarantee for the country you are entering that you won't sell your tack, avoiding import tax. The paperwork costs money and requires a bond. If I was an upcoming indie band I'd probably be inclined to give Scotland a miss, if this came to pass.
  7. Not mentioning Delph was an unintentional compliment. He slotted into England team seamlessly.
  8. Keep having to remind myself it's not Fulham.
  9. We used to have a Metaller at work that always wore a full length leather coat, even in mid summer. He must have had it a while before we knew him. It trapped and nurtured his personal ming. Difficult to describe the smell. Sharp would be one word, unrelenting another. Staff in the offices bought odour neutralising spray specifically for his visits.
  10. Xann

    The Fappening

    Everyone's just seeing what the night shift boys at GCHQ peruse during their breaks. As wake up calls go, this is relatively harmless.
  11. One of the most depressing things about this is that it's not the union that's broken.
  12. Various Artists - 'Chairmen Of The Board - Surf Soundtracks '64 - '74' Ticket -
  13. Back cover. Various Artists - 'All-Time Top 100 TV Themes' Not difficult to spot It's American. One of the best comps, the vast majority of the tracks being the edits aired.
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