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Everything posted by Jareth

  1. We could feed Traore for half a year with that many mice.
  2. Where do you stand on Florence Nightingale?
  3. I hear Mother Teresa will also be joining the board - selfish cow.
  4. IF Hollis were to bring Brian Little onto the board, then I would say we are in good hands. I already feel better for what he has said about relegation and randy funding us to come back up. I get the feeling part of his remit will be to communicate better with the fans.
  5. Jareth

    Lamine Sané

    I really want to get this pun. I feel like an idiot. Edit - Thanks for the subsequent explanations. Very clever. Take a bow(ie).
  6. Surely the plan now is self sufficiency - which will be harder still in the championship especially when a lot of those clubs trying to get promoted are running at a loss funded by ambitious owners.
  7. I actually hope they see Remi as their man in this department. Didn't he have a lot to do with Lyon in terms of the club's footballing strategy re youth etc?....
  8. Ravens cost money, all that seed and cage maintenance - can't see it.
  9. Looks like Remi will be the only football person at the club - possibly not a bad thing if he can get Hollis on side - would rather Remi call the shots when it comes to the squad than anyone else.
  10. Don't get me wrong, I'm just using what's been printed in the media to counter some immediate assumptions. I started by thinking no football experience, no good business experience = no good. Then I read whatever else was out there and have changed my mind. I think the whole announcement and planned press coverage in the mail has actually painted a confusing picture of this guy.
  11. "Mr Hollis has much enjoyed his career, and a CV awash with high-profile roles for KPMG in the Middle East, the Far East, the USA and Europe"
  12. And just for a bit more balance, he actually says it was Tom Cruises character's interview in the movie that reminded him of his interview - he didn't compare himself to tom cruise.
  13. With Gabby in mind, this sentence gives me hope: “Too many people think fulfillment is having matching Ferraris, so they can drive separately to the same restaurant, simply to display their wealth. There needs to be more humility, and people need to realise that they aren’t achieving anything by acting in that manner.”
  14. "Our future success however lies in building a winning culture that is underpinned by a commitment to continuous improvement both on and off the pitch." - translates to Fox and Remi doing their jobs better. What does Steve intend to add to this? And as for a board room 'shake-up' - well who exactly is getting their P45 then?
  15. I'm not sure I get what changes. Remi says to Hollis that he needs 20 mill min in the summer, Hollis relays this to Randy by email, Randy never replies to Hollis' email.
  16. Looks like another important role at the villa, filled by somebody with no football experience. Does not bode well.
  17. We've had a couple of false dawns with Remi, so would be typical that this will be another. However, Leicester I think will slack off against us thinking the hard work was done against Spurs. I'm hoping just not to lose.
  18. If sunderland win, we will be 8 points off swansea. If we can just get to within 3 points/1 win from the 17th place team, then we are well in the mix for survival. Of course we will need to win a few more games, but I will be very happy if we can get a point off Leicester and keep the good feeling going.
  19. Jareth

    Lamine Sané

    I was just about to say the sane
  20. Jareth

    Lamine Sané

    Surely an upgrade on Sanchez...
  21. The prospect of us having a system into which we slot players into - well, has that happened at Villa, ever? Hopefully Garde gets it right, then it's just a matter of tight arse randy paying for better calibre players.
  22. I have a fever, drugged up on paracetamol and can't tell exactly why I am shaking. Remi needed that - long live King Garde!
  23. Newcastle allowing schteve to spend £12 mill on Jonjo Shelvey is great news, they go down and bankrupt.
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