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Everything posted by andyh

  1. you are comparing our current manager to appointments made 30 years ago !!!! Why not go a bit further and include Barton and Saunders ?
  2. you're probably right, but in that case he should have been appointed as Chief Commercial Officer, or similar. If he genuinely has been brought in as the top man, then if he wants PL gone, his boss HAS to back him. Otherwise, he may well realise he is just another patsy with no real power or responsibility at the club.
  3. Me too. I think he'll be gone by end of November, blaming interference with his international commitments. He's already laid the foundations, judging by his comments a couple of week ago. In all honesty, he probably won't be missed.
  4. Eight million ????!!!! Not a **** chance.
  5. Thinking of Lamberts reign from the start, where has there been ANY improvement, at all ? We still play with no width. We still play with no obvious tactics or style. He still appears to have no idea how to change or influence a game that is in progress. The team consistently gets beaten by lower league opposition. The team is (at best) 'functional'. There is no guile or nous in the team. There is not even a gradual improvement, where we can see he has a plan that we are working towards. We are purely a 'reactionary team'. We turn up and play the game by reacting to what the opposition does. We never impose ourselves on a game, never try and dictate the game. IMO, that is down to a weak coach who actually has no idea on how to take a game to the opponents but is more content to sit back and hope something will happen. For those who continue to beat the 'give him more time' drum, I would like to ask why ? In over 2 years there has been no improvement. We see the same performances week in, week out. We see the same approach (tactics!), week in, week out. He isn't going to suddenly change his approach or magically turn into a great coach, over the next 2, 5,10 or 30 games. He is what he is. and that is not gong to change. And for that reason, he has to go.
  6. Every team has 'mitigating factors'. Our friggin mitigating factors have been going on for years!
  7. I don't really see the point of this. It is possible for there to be mitigating factors in some cases but in other cases we were just awful. Not everything is black and white. The mitigating factor is the manager. We are complete hamstrung by a totally inept, tactically sterile, incomprehensible, waste of space that is Lambert. All teams have mis fortunes, 'mitigating factors etc, but our ability to have been consistently rubbish under this buffoon is nothing to do with mitigating factors. Stop making excuses for shiteness. Just accept it and the reasons why.
  8. Is it still because we've got the shits? Or poor us, we've had some injuries? Or because we shouldn't expect to win against the big teams, or the 'easy' games now, it seems. Just why are we so shit?
  9. Oh dear. How long will the virus be trotted out? Well depends if it happens again surely I mean if it doesnt happen then it cant be referenced "It aye fair" - Not sure anyone has said that. Fairly sure people are trying to understand some reasoning behind our play Style of play is ineffective - so ineffective that we were unbeaten in first four games winning three of them and beating plop on their turf? This is a game played on the pitch not on spreadsheets That is EXACTLY right, its played on a pitch not spreadsheets. Its played with passion, desire and eagerness. Each game should be played in the expectation that we can win it, not in accepting that we won't win before a ball has been kicked. People on here were happy to accept a defeat to chelsea before the game. "They are richer than us, They are better than us, FFP aint fair cos they have all the best players." (paraphrasing) So, what ? we are in the same league as them. We should try our damnedest to beat them. Because we have been served up shite for 3 years now (and counting) there is a mindset amongst 'supporters' that this in now our lot and that we should accept that we will never challenge again. That may be so, but it doesn't mean that the style and quality of play should be so frigging sterile that we barely muster a shot between one game and the next.
  10. For me, despite the obviously great start ( points wise), the quality of our attacking play is still pretty woeful. This seems to be borne out by the stats of shots on goal, and on target. 10 points from the first 4 games was a terrific start, but is 10 points from (potentially) 8 games anything to write home about? By the time we have played Everton, we could be firmly back in the bottom half of the table, off the back of 4 defeats. It seems to me that we are starting to look for excuses for our results, rather that reasons. We keep hiding behind FFP rules, virus's, and injuries. How long will the 'virus' reason be trotted out for further poor results? (No pun intended). We are starting to sound like Baggies fans with their constant 'it aye fair ' mantra. At some point we have to acknowledge that our style of play is boring and ineffective and something needs to change if we are to see any improvement.
  11. I'll start by saying I've had a little drink tonight. This **** attitude of , but it's Chelsea, or it's man city, or it's man UTD, so I can accept the defeat, is really pissing me off. Ok, we got beat, but for **** sake, let's not start to accept that it as the norm, and we should just accept it. Let's get upset, let's be pissed off! If we accept mediocrity,no shots on goal, a **** total lack of attacking intension, then we may as well just pack in and go home. Leicester didn't give up last week, hull had a go today. Stop **** accepting mediocrity and show some **** passion, please.!!!
  12. These words removed need wiping off the face of the earth.
  13. I thought he was superb again yesterday. The only slight criticism is he tends to drift inside a little bit and so lose position, but on the whole he looks the real deal. Just how good is it have a decent left back at last!!
  14. You and me both mate. Fair play to PS he really has been magnificent this season and I hope it continues.
  15. I really didn't fancy bringing Cleverley in, especially at the £7m that was quoted. But this 'try before you buy' option is perfect for everyone. So, i sincerely hope he will be a massive success in Claret and Blue because that will only be good for all parties.
  16. Looks half decent in his current team because that team is full of quality players. I cant see how, surrounded by our lot, he would improve our team.
  17. Knocked out of the only cup competition that we could realistically progress in before the end of August! And people are happy about this? People are happy the team lost to lower league opposition, again? **** hell !
  18. **** Rosberg! He really is a hard nosed **** with some of his dirty tricks, but bloody hell, he's also getting some luck. All the incidents he has been involved in, and he still hasn't had a DNF.
  19. Rumours are that we are in a bit of a mess behind the scenes so it would not surprise me if it is C. Rumours? I think it's fairly obvious! Its not like we’ve been trying to tie up a fairly complicated foreign signing, involving third party ownership and lots of representatives or anything, is it? Bloody hell, i guessed the Sanchez deal was difficult, but didn't realise the club had been working on it for months and months !! However did they manage to deal with all the other player issues when the have been so focused on 1 deal. Hmmmm !
  20. http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/aston-villa-ron-vlaar-fit-7617366 So, we haven't even begun contract talks with Vlaar. It seems to me that the club is either: A. Lying B. have no intention of renewing his contract, is happy to sell him and is waiting for a bid. C. negligent by not offering a new deal long before now
  21. I think the vast majority of fans are happy to give him another try. Don't let those who shout the loudest fool you. Results will dictate, as ever. 'Vast majority'!!! This is a joke, right ? Maybe the vast majority on people on here. I haven't forgotten the last 2 years of absolute shite. The crap home performances, the lack of wins, the struggles to avoid relegation, the regular cup defeats by lower league opposition, record defeats, lack of tactics and lack of ideas. Maybe the summer sunshine has bleached the memories of the 'vast majority'. The only reason he is still in a job is because his boss is a coward, who expected to sell the club and let the new owners do the deed. There is not another club in the country where he would have survived last season. The sooner lambert is gone, the better. Signed, the minority. Not a joke. Neither was I expressing a personal opinion, so no need to get shitty with me pal. I am not your pal
  22. It's not about that though - it's about money. I just don't know why it's such a big deal. It remains to be seen how things will go this season but it's not like they were battling relegation last season - far from it in fact. How do you know it's about money ? That is pure speculation. He may well put in a transfer request and cite lack of ambition and direction at AVFC. He won't be the first.
  23. I don't know why people keep saying this. It means nothing really as each club has its own different set of circumstances. Of course every club has it's own circumstances. What's you point? He is only still in a job because of the 'sell off' there is little doubt about that. That statements like "if he were at another club he wouldn't have survived" are pointless because of those differing circumstances. Not only that but it's completely speculative as well without any factual basis whatsoever. It's a f ucking discussion board, people post their opinion and thoughts. Is everything posted on here based on fact? Is it 'fact' the vast majority of fans are prepared to give him another try ??
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