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Everything posted by andyh

  1. andyh

    our soul

    I really do not understand this post at all ! You haven't seen much success in 45 years ? You have seen us win every trophy going (except the holy grail) If you weren't that fussed about the success of winning the League, the European Cup, the Super Cup, the League Cup at least 4 times, and if you don't long and ache for those moments again, if the memories and the glory of those days and nights aren't like vivid memories that feel like the happened only yesterday, so much so that you can still taste them, then maybe you should take up following another sport.
  2. At least Lerner put money into local charities and the refurbishment of established entities already at the club. At least we have a youth model and threads on this forum like "Jack Grealish" where we'd love to see another youngster given the chance to prove themselves at first team level. This guy (if true, etc.) is basically us completely selling the soul of Aston Villa, becoming a money club and gaining plastic fans. Maybe we're the next Man City? Then again, this all seems to appease the majority of fans on here who want nothing more than; a ) Money thrown at the club b ) Success Maybe that's all football is really about these days after all. sorry mate...but...what absolute tosh. You are putting 2+2 together and making a complete random number. How can you draw any of those conclusions from a purely speculative piece in a newspaper ?
  3. To say the Football Club is not worth £200M is nonsense. The assets alone (the stadium, the training ground, the land the club owns, the players(ahem)) - all of this needs to be factored in. Then there is the buisness itself, the guaranteed revenue and variable revenue. The club is WORTH £200M of anyones money !
  4. Totally agree, but I would suggest that ANYONE spending the type of money it will need to buy the club, will care.
  5. Red Bull, it's all rumour and conjecture. Why the hell are people wetting their knickers about name changes, kit colours and rebranding. I'll fall out of love with the club. I'll fall out of love with football. I'll never go again. It's all that's wrong with modern football. It a friggin rumour, don't get worked up about it. And, if it did happen, there if bugger all you can do about it, other than not support the club anymore.
  6. A little patronising. I assure you that I and a fair few others can tell the difference between that and 'sit back and hope' football. Anyway I'm done. You believe we've been unlucky, I believe luck has evened out and just glad to still be in this division. Were there any games this season we were particularly unlucky not to win? Can't think of any off the top of my head, but have wiped most of the season from my memory. Probably Hull away and even that's stretching it. Chelsea away we were unlucky in regards to a few massive referee mistakes. Hull away? We were not unlucky not to win. I was there, we had one half decent effort on goal in the whole 90 mins.
  7. I'm sorry mate, but stretching every sinew to defend,defend,defed and holding on for grim life is not 'being in the game'. We didn't park the bus, we parked a fleet of buses and still got battered. Yes, we were always on a hiding to nothing last night. Yes we have injury problems. Yes man City are champions elect. But **** me, show some pride....get in their faces, harry and chase, try and play the game further up the pitch than on your own half way line. 'The shackles were off last night', according to PL. So, why didn't we play like it ? Hmmmm, I wonder if West Ham will approach their game on Sunday the same way we did. They'll probably get tanked as well, but at least go down fighting. I hate this kind of argument. That starting line-up he had available to him last night was not premier league standard (not his fault, but TERRIBLE injury luck and due to lack of NET investment) PL has made his team punch above their weight numerous times this season, a fantastic example being the bloody REVERSE FIXTURE. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to apply basic statistics to situations like this. Going into the game, given the title challening circumstance and our lack of depth, we had a limited chance of success..on the odd ocasion we'll overcome those odds, but the MAJORITY of times we wont. You cant EXPECT to win games like last night, we adopted a game plan which was fairly effective for 60 minutes, we didnt have the available quality to turn it around. It happens, it happened to a lot of teams this year and will happen a lot more to us unless significant investment happens. Getting rid of PL would be short team reactiveness, just another orbit of the merry-go-round and wont address the fundamental issues at the club. I have a horrible feeling that we'll be sat here debating whether <insert next manager> has what it takes too. No-one said we expect to win. But I expected us to compete, not play with 10 men behind the ball. With a star struck approach like some **** non league team who are just grateful to be playing in big stadium in front of a big crowd. Last night, we showed the world what we really..... again. Its his squad, his team, his tactics and his approach to the game, and in all aspects he is shit. Its shame no-one told Bradford, Millwall and Sheff U that they shouldn't expect to compete with the big boys !
  8. I'm sorry mate, but stretching every sinew to defend,defend,defed and holding on for grim life is not 'being in the game'. We didn't park the bus, we parked a fleet of buses and still got battered. Yes, we were always on a hiding to nothing last night. Yes we have injury problems. Yes man City are champions elect. But **** me, show some pride....get in their faces, harry and chase, try and play the game further up the pitch than on your own half way line. 'The shackles were off last night', according to PL. So, why didn't we play like it ? Hmmmm, I wonder if West Ham will approach their game on Sunday the same way we did. They'll probably get tanked as well, but at least go down fighting.
  9. A poster on another site has emphaised just how bad our home form has been. It is the worst in 140 years. 140 friggin years !!! Now, in all that time I am sure we have had worse squads and teams, Going back to our demise through the leagues the Div 3, it must have been bad. BUT, it was never as bad as this. To those who say he 'deserves' more time, with a decent transfer budget, I would ask why this should be the case? Yes, money plays a big part of the modern game, but, there are managers out there who manage in their respective leagues. at all levels, and get their teams to perform better than us. Money is not everything. There are other elements like training, tactics, motivation, nous.The ability to see that other teams are doing and counteract that. These are where Lambert is coming up short, and far too bloody short for Aston Villa.
  10. Strangely, the fact that lambert is still the manager makes me believe even more, that he will be sacked as soon as the season finishes. They would rather have 'some' continuity, and having him there till the end of the season is better than the upheaval and distraction a sacking would bring at this critical time. Well, that's what I think anyway.
  11. It'll be more than he spent in the last transfer window!
  12. what happened on 03/03/03? We lost to the filth & had 2 sent off. Dion nutted Savage what happened on 03/03/03? We lost to the filth & had 2 sent off. Dion nutted Savage what happened on 03/03/03? We lost to the filth & had 2 sent off. Dion nutted SavageYou are wrong, but hey-ho. Wrong how? Sorry mate, my bad. I was thinking of the enkleman game,. Reminder to self....don't try posting when pissed on rum!
  13. what happened on 03/03/03? We lost to the filth & had 2 sent off. Dion nutted Savage what happened on 03/03/03? We lost to the filth & had 2 sent off. Dion nutted Savage what happened on 03/03/03? We lost to the filth & had 2 sent off. Dion nutted SavageYou are wrong, but hey-ho.
  14. Don't believe everything you hear. It wasn't a case of 'just'. We stopped trying at 3-1 despite there being about 15 mins left. I don't recall their goalie making a save in the second half. Oh, and grant 'fatfucker' holt was sent on to rescue the game at 3-1
  15. Few things have angered me recently as much as Holt standing on the touchline waiting to come on laughing and joking with Monk, a minute after we'd conceded the third. Lambert's man, and he clearly just didn't give a ****. Just another reason why that piece of shit should never wear a villa shirt again. And, he is taking a wage out of of **** club!
  16. Renewed yeterday. The 'effective' 10%' discount is a brilliant marketing idea to try and get people signed up early. That's £61.50 on my card which pays for next seasons shirt and a bit left over.
  17. Why?, because there may be a possibility that we may be sold to someone who gives a shit ?
  18. He is a half decent 'stopper' and is very brave, but his football ability is very, very limited. His passing and distribution from the back is **** rank, and there is no-one who does 'hoof ball' better. Hoof ball invariably, gives the ball back to the opposition, and just puts us under continuous pressure.
  19. Again, like many on here, ie is one of my all time heroes. All of the above memories of Sid are still fresh in my mind. One of the best though was when he scored the penalty against Barcelona in the Super Cup final at Villa Park. After scoring, he went to retrieve the ball from the back of the net and got booted into the net himself by their goalie (dirty cheating bastard). He just got up, glowered at their keeper (dirty cheating bastard) and carried on. No rolling around, no crying, no histrionics. I think he was a tough bugger, was Sid.
  20. If he goes it will be by rejecting his new deal and walking. May possibly happen if there are problems between him and the board, which wouldn't surprise me, can't see any manager being fine and dandy not being backed. We may as well not bother having a manager with Lerner in charge. Those baying for Lambert's blood need to focus their attention higher up. This club under Lerner will continue to suffer. Without doubt. You are right. But, it's still his team, tactics and performances. Today's total no show for the second half was absolutely f ucking criminal.
  21. Regardless of the circumstances of him being at Villa, the fact that we have resorted to 'needing' someone like that at the club makes me want to vomit.
  22. Well, that's **** then, on so many levels !!
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