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Everything posted by lexicon

  1. I'm still in the minority but I still have faith in him.
  2. Good to see that Downs has changed so many people's minds. He's a real asset to the squad.
  3. 31% win rate at Getafe, 28% at Spartak (which is **** shocking!) and 40% now at Mallorca (only played 5 games). He's no good at managing.
  4. I've got a good feeling about today and I think we'll win. Having Makoun back will be a very good thing too.
  5. I disagree. I think that any player who can't play in any position of a standard 4-4-2 formation, is ever going to be a great player in the prem.
  6. Wow. Calm down there sweetheart.
  7. Well no it's not. 28% want him gone at the end of the season which usually means they just don't want to upset our season but want him gone at the earliest convenience. Also, in a poll where one option is 'stay' which is 61%, you can assume (as is the case here) that all other options are different variations of 'go'. I see what you mean but I think that 'should go at the end of the season' doesn't quite incorporate the idea of being at the end of your tether with the man. I find it's more of a fence sitting option but leaning towards him going. It's hard to say with that 28% and it'd be interesting to get it clarified. Either way though, the majority want him to stay.
  8. According to this BOF - it's only 10% as it stands. I think the problem GH has is that there are people looking to construe everything he says in a negative light and the British media for example, are having a field day at his expense. What he says doesn't actually bother me but I think for his sake he needs to be a bit more careful.
  9. It's never going to be an identical situation. I don't think it's totally different though. And it proves that you can sack a manager who is severely underperforming, and the guy who comes in can do significantly better with the same group of players. So to say it takes us back to square one is ridiculous. It could take us anywhere, depending on who we appoint. (We could appoint Jol or Ranieri or whoever and climb up the table. Equally we could appoint Fat Sam and slide even further down it.) Can you explain to me why the situation at VP is similar to that of Spurs under Ramos please? I don't see it at all.
  10. Davis similar to Bannan? Nationality, the fact that they've both played for us and in the area of midfield... yes. Style of play? Totally, utterly different. Bannan in possession is light years ahead of Davis and the passing abilities are just incomparable.
  11. I like Walker but come off it lads - Hutton is clearly a better RB than him at this stage of his career because he has a wealth of experience more than him. Defensively he is twice the player of Walker as things stand. That's not to say that Walker hasn't got a lot of potential though, and attacking-wise he already has a lot to offer - but he still has a lot to learn and Hutton is definitely a better player than him right now. While that may not be the case in a year or two, it still makes it difficult to choose who I'd rather have at the moment - Hutton is already the finished article and is only 26 (so 6 years service at least?). Walker on the other hand is 20 and has the potential to be better but we don't know if he will be. The bottom line in making this decision is price.
  12. Houllier's only mistake was making Ash captain today. A captain is supposed to lead by example and try hard - Young did neither of those things and was an embarrassment. I really hope we sell him in the summer because that was just the final straw for me. Plays shit lately, ok, fair enough, the side are on a bit of a downer due to low-confidence - but after busting a gut when playing for England and scoring a good goal.. it just rubs salt in the wounds. **** him off. NRC MoTM today - fantastic performance.
  13. I did envisage him to be more of a combative midfielder too but that's our fault because none of us knew a massive amount about him and had watched him regularly. I think him and Petrov should definitely be first choice for now - Petrov can handle the more defensive duties with Makoun giving him a good outlet due to his positional sense.
  14. Nike. The bastards owe us after their monumental cock-up and they have made nice kits since we've had them in.
  15. I agree - it's not a good position for him to be in. I think Houllier wants to have him on the pitch but doesn't know quite where to put him - His ball control/skill and crossing isn't good enough to play on the wing, he hasn't got good enough positional sense to play up front (Bent is a lot better), he isn't creative enough and doesn't have the flair or skill to play in the hole... If he didn't have dangerous pace, he wouldn't be anywhere near the team I think. We either need to play him in a 4-4-2 or not at all.
  16. Can I have what you're smoking please. I need a laugh. He won as many tackles as Dunne, Collins and Clark combined, got an assist and his passing was accurate. Are you really that **** ignorant? Are you serious an assist! Now I can istantly dismiss everything else you have said as Grade A bollocks, Petrov was running backwards performed a shovel off pass to Walker who then took it on past Sidwell and drilled it from 25 yards, something Petrov is not capable of doing. You can't defend the indefensible. He needs some time out of the side, and then see how he does in a few sub appearances, if he can't do it anymore we should get rid. At the moment he is a passenger, we can't afford to carry them, that is what will see us in trouble again. He is not the only one that was a passenger today, but it is the second game in succession that he has been. Like I said not good enough. Ok - see how well we did without him this season compared to the games we've had him.
  17. Can I have what you're smoking please. I need a laugh. He won as many tackles as Dunne, Collins and Clark combined, got an assist and his passing was accurate. Are you really that **** ignorant? An assist, you mean a backpass because he couldn't find anyone in front him? I'd expect him to have more tackles than the centre-backs, he's a central midfielder. Oh no!! A BACKPASS!!!! HOW AWFUL!!! WON'T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN!??!?! I give up.
  18. Ash had a poor one today - along with Gabby and to some extent Bent - he was disappointing. We need our good players to stand up and be counted and when our attack, bar Downing, is looking a bit sheepish - then we aren't going to score goals.
  19. Petrov was my MoTM today. Good passing, made a lot of tackles to break up their play and worked hard. People slagging him are internet weirdos with an axe to grind.
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