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Everything posted by lexicon

  1. Nah, I have a wiki account. I created the Andreas Weimann page.
  2. According to wiki (I know, I know), he's fluent in English.
  3. He'd be a great appointment though, wouldn't he? I do realise that it's probably bollocks... but it'd be nice.
  4. Ottmar Hitzfeld according to some wikipedia rebel. His article was edited with the note - "Edited information on Ottmar Hitzfeld's current job and future job as he will be made Aston Villa manager on Friday.". If only.
  5. I think you're sounding a bit like a conspiracy-theorist Richard but I think that there may be an element of truth in it. I think we certainly are more financially focussed now than we were before and are trying to economise a bit, as it were, but I don't think the board are working hard to avoid any sort of outlay. I hope not anyway.
  6. Yeah that's what I'd be hoping for. The right man for the job is absolutely essential. The side we've got now is good enough to keep us going for a while so we don't need to worry about getting someone in before the window closes but at the same time, we don't want to wait too long either. As for Bob Bradley, he does not figure in option B either. He's not even managed in Europe let alone England and at 52, I'd leave him well alone.
  7. Bruce can **** the fuckity **** off. He's really struggling at Sunderland. Lower to mid prem at best is his level and he really hasn't shown anything to deserve better than that. I think that there are only 2 real options here: a) Get in an experienced manager (Age: 50+ who knows either the prem or European competition well and has achieved something either here or abroad) E.g. Sven-Goran Eriksson or Martin Jol. Get in a younger dynamic manager with a lot of drive and ambition who has proven themselves in the lower leagues. E.g. Paul Lambert. I think option a) would be preferable from a point of stability.
  8. More than that mate, probably closer to 150k. Which is even worse.
  9. Its not about giving up or following a rich club. But your attitude just shapes you up for major dissapointment after major dissapointment. I want the champions league title as much as the next man but I doubt it will happen in my lifetime. No no no Tom - we belong in first place every year, don't you see?! Well I have heard that rumour. Good to see you're on board. You see it's hell being a Villa fan and only finishing 6th ever year in the whole country. Or it's actually pretty damn good. Or cake.
  10. Its not about giving up or following a rich club. But your attitude just shapes you up for major dissapointment after major dissapointment. I want the champions league title as much as the next man but I doubt it will happen in my lifetime. No no no Tom - we belong in first place every year, don't you see?!
  11. Bwwhahahahaha dont make me laugh. We never had any embarrassing defeats under MON, never any in Carling Cup or at Stamford bridge. And as you said after them, its just a one off no need for knee jerk reactions. When did we play a full strength side against a team a lot worse than us and get raped? Oh right.. we didn't.
  12. But he was the answer apparently.
  13. This never, ever would have happened under MON. Hope you're all happy.
  14. oh my god , what does that matter !!! They all look the same to you, don't they? I think you're the racist personally.
  15. My ratings: Guzan - 7.5 - Some great saves throughout and not at fault for our goal. Warnock - 6.5 - Looked a little sloppy today. Davies - 5 - No presence whatsoever. He can't head the ball. I'd sell him. Beye - 5.5 - An extra 0.5 because he was out of position but was at fault for the goal. I'd also sell him. Lichaj - 6.5 - Some good tackling and forward running but was let down by his distribution. He is clearly rough around the edges but with some experience I think he could do a job for us. I'd happily let him be L.Young's understudy for the season. Downing - 6.5 - Reasonable. Looking more comfortable at taking people on which is probably a by-product of confidence. Hogg - 6 - Anonymous in the first half but better in the 2nd, broke up the play and passed well a few times. NRC - 7.5 - Broke up midfield very well in the 2nd half, made some good supporting runs. His passing was hit and miss but that's the price you pay for his athleticism and tackling work. Bannan - 6.5 - Took his goal well after making a good run. Pretty quiet at times but tenacious at others. Albrighton - 7.5 - Worked his arse off, always looking to take on his man - some lovely skills and a great assist. Does lose the ball sometimes but really, really wants to play. Great to watch him. Heskey - 7.5 - A good shift from the big man for a change. He ran a helluva lot, held up the ball well, sprayed some passes out wide. Possibly the best I've seen him in a Villa shirt. The subs didn't really warrant a mention. It was a bold selection from K-Mac and it was a good result at the end of the day when you look at how young the team was. We played very few first teamers out there tonight and at a ground as intimidating as Vienna's with their rather... uncouth.. fans, the youngsters acquitted themselves well. I was not impressed with Davies at all and rusty or not, he did not do the basics well and I can't see a future for him at VP. Currently 5th choice CB for me now. I don't want to slag Beye off too much because he was in a position that he simply can't play. If MON played him there, a fair few people would be apoplectic on here.
  16. Beye is not a CB at all - doesn't have the positional sense for it. I've no real issue with the midfield or Heskey as I think they're doing alright but the defence is shakey. No aerial presence. I get the feeling that we would several goals down if Maierhoffer was playing this time. Having said that, we probably would have accounted for it had he been.. but it's all speculation anyway.
  17. No aerial presence in defence with this team. Davies' aerial ability is very poor for a CB.
  18. I liked it Blandy. Milner leaving is actually really sad. I hope Ireland comes in and does well but it'll be gutting to see Milner in a Cashchester Citeh shirt.
  19. By saying that Milner 'believes' something, then you are speaking for him. It's called reported speech. You wrongly presented something as a fact. When you can admit that, we can all move on.
  20. Quote 1 - Obviously a prediction. Not a fact. Quote 2 - My opinion. Not presented as a fact either. Quote 3 - Again, an opinion/prediction. Quote 4 - More complicated, so let's break this down. Firstly, when MON has left clubs before there was a reason - I.e. Celtic and his wife being ill. He has some prior form, so that's some evidence - circumstantial - but evidence. Secondly, it's quite obviously non-specific and presented in the form of an opinion. What you said was That is you speaking for Milner - not an opinion, just presenting it in the form of a fact. When it clearly **** isn't. There is a clear and obvious difference between what I said in those quotes and they way that they were presented - and what you said. Next.
  21. No, that's not the **** argument. The problem is you putting something forward as a fact when it isn't, it's your opinion. Until Milner or a member of the board actually comes out and tells us something about it, we don't know what's going on. It's not very hard to understand.
  22. But unfortunatly Milner doesn't believe that Downing, Young, Petrov and Albrighton can live up to his expectations. Let him leave, I say. No quotes, no argument. You can't say that is fact when you have no evidence to prove it. In the past 2 months he hasn't come out and said that he doesn't want to leave, so therefore it seems like he does want to leave. Do you disagree with that and actually believe that the whole Man City-saga is a conspiracy against him? Why would he want to leave if he didn't think that moving to Manchester City would offer him a better chance of breaking into the top 4 or competing for the title? Unless you think he's just moving for the money? I have no quotes to back up my post, but I geniunly can't see how you can disagree with what I've said :? Saying that someone did something or has an opinion with regards to anything simply because they haven't denied it, is a ridiculous argument. This is your opinion, it is not fact. The one fact that we do have about the Milner situation is that we don't know anything about his reasons, his feelings or any of the behind the scenes action at VP. Maybe he is just going for the money, maybe he is going there to match his ambitions, maybe he feels that he can win more things there and play in the Champions League, maybe he loves the city of Manchester and wants to live there, maybe he feels that the quality of fried chicken is better there, maybe he fell out with a member of the playing staff or a board member here? We don't know. We. Don't. Know.
  23. But unfortunatly Milner doesn't believe that Downing, Young, Petrov and Albrighton can live up to his expectations. Let him leave, I say. No quotes, no argument. You can't say that is fact when you have no evidence to prove it.
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