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Everything posted by lexicon

  1. The only clubs we are a feeder club for is the best clubs in the country and the richest. No-one else can afford our players and they wouldn't want to take a step down. That's not exactly a bad thing and using the term 'feeder club' for dramatic effect only serves to cause an argument over it's exact meaning.
  2. Looks good Fey - impressive goalscoring record too.
  3. MON and his team of coaches developed Milner, Ash and Gabby into the players they are today. There's nothing to say they can't do that with a host of other players too so I'd much rather keep them above any of our players assuming we received a large sum for them. I'd peg their combined value at about 60mil fwiw.
  4. HappyCatMe, as an English teacher, you should know what a semicolon is! :winkold:
  5. Same but I would've structured that sentence differently. :winkold:
  6. Maybe the moon is made of **** cheese. WE DON'T KNOW ANYTHING CONCRETE HERE! What's the point in mindless speculation?
  7. The most important fact here: Milner has not officially said anything. We have no quotes, just speculation and a very ambiguously worded interview from MON on the matter. I don't know where everyone is getting these ideas that Milner has said this or that directly or strongly.
  8. Smokingzen - taking on all-comers :notworthy: I like it.
  9. MON's ambiguous wording at the article that came from a 'friend' of his in the Mail makes me think that MON is trying to force Milner into actually saying whether he is either staying or going, thus making life for the rest of the squad easier. Which is probably a good move.
  10. Yes please. This would be the realistic ideal scenario for me. It's not realistic. Unless we blow other clubs out of the water financially, they'll go to established Champion's League teams. If you don't ask, you don't get.
  11. If we can get Milner replaced with Flamini and KJH from AC Milan - I would not be disappointed.
  12. If he goes, he goes. He's a very good player for us but he isn't the be all and end all - we'd get a lot of money for him and MON is more than qualified enough to replace him. I'd be very sad about it but that's life unfortunately.
  13. Because we haven't had anyone really worth selling before Barry, since Dwight Yorke.
  14. Stop holding us up BOF. It's just BLOODY selfish.
  15. Chile were all bustle and no goals - didn't make or take many chances at all. Entertaining to watch, though but that doesn't win prizes.
  16. A player with potential but right now all he really does is dribble and is fast. His technical ability when it comes to passing and finishing is pretty poor and physically he is weak. I'm not sure if we can improve him enough to in turn improve the side. I'd take that Mauricio Isla at right back though. if we're talking Chileans.
  17. Well don't stand for it. Write a strongly worded letter to Randy Lerner himself and a copy of your CV and I'm sure he'd hire you. Either that or take a long hard look at all things Villa and actually understand that he hasn't wasted 'millions and millions' on crap and 6th place in one of the best leagues in the world is actually something to be pretty **** proud of.
  18. Having been to South Africa and had them all around me at the matches I went to, they really aren't that bad. Certainly a lot better than some annoying c-unit moaning about every misplaced pass and writing off every chance, only to go "Oh" and look a bit disappointed when we score.
  19. But that isn't the question is it? There almost certainly will be signings made.
  20. Like the small majority, I went for 6th anyway. I'd be happy with that.
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