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Everything posted by lexicon

  1. It's been discussed and argued many time before Bicks - but the fact was we've copped a load of bullshit this season from many angles and to blame Houllier for all of it or even most of it, is stupid. We had started a little run of form before he got sick and a top half finish was looking good - after he went off sick and MacAllister was put in charge, things have got worse.
  2. I'd say it was more to do with O'Neill walking out. Milner wasn't that good. A fine player, but I didn't like the way he moved from the club. A bit too snide for me. Milner was that good and we sorely miss him - we don't have anyone with his sort of drive and enthusiasm in the side. He would always be involved and helped link up the play, particularly through the middle, and got his fair share of goals and assists. That's why it took so much money for us to sell him.
  3. Or shown he's completely useless at most aspects of premiership management? But he hasn't. :?
  4. How is he loyal if he leaves Everton??
  5. It's logic to look at the calender ahead to see that after the Bolton game we had a two week break to the Wolves game, and then after the Wolves game we had a two week break to the Everton game. There was no need to rest players in the Man City game with such an empty calender ahead. So you think that the players would have been as fresh as they had been against Bolton, whether they had played against Man City or not?
  6. Were you at the Liverpool game? If you were with the fans who on a cold winter evening watched a gutless display and instead of our manager acknowledging us, was waving at the KOP and then his post match comments were a kick in the teeth to all of us who went. I wasn't there, no - but what you said seems to make sense and I can understand why you might be upset with that. At the end of the day though, it was him just being a bit oblivious to the situation - not exactly a calculated display of sticking two fingers up at those who went.
  7. It did have a damaging effect on the club, so it was not the smartest logic deployed by GH. It was a calculated risk that didn't pay off - it very almost did though and I think that to say that it had a damaging effect is overly dramatic. I think that if we didn't have fresher players, Bolton would have pumped us, which ultimately would have had a far worse affect.
  8. It doesn't matter if we lost the game or not - that's the reason they were rested. It's called logic and I implore you to use it next time you type out a post.
  9. Lol we had 3 fixtures in the month of March We had a league game, which was much more important, 3 days later. :|
  10. We needed to rest players IIRC. This idea of disrespecting the fans is laughable at best.
  11. I like him - I think he can cut it and with experience and maturity, he will realise his potential.
  12. I never really understood why everyone went all pissy about the liverpool stuff - it didn't seem like such a big deal to me.
  13. Bent was a man possessed today and my MoTM, closely followed by Young and Petrov. The 2nd half was one of the best performances I've seen from Villa for as long as I can remember - we hammered the shit out of them (pun intended) and deserved the win. Nice one Gerard!
  14. He's the most natural finisher I've seen at VP since I can remember - great out and out striker.
  15. No chance - they have spent bugger all since the rich guys took over and are highly unlikely to splurge out on like that if/when they come up.
  16. I'll be delighted to see that **** out of here. He's a mentally **** lazy primadonna and shouldn't be anywhere near our club.
  17. I disagree, he's far too lightweight to play central midfield in the Premier League. Wasn't he supposed to be a box to box all action gritty player? Steward Downing puts in more of a shift than Makoun. He isn't heavy duty but he doesn't need to be - not if he's paired with someone a bit heftier (such as NRC). Him and Petrov didn't exactly struggle yesterday.
  18. Makoun is a bit too smart for some of our players at the moment! They'll get used to it after a while but he is the type of player we need more of!
  19. Deserved win - not a great performance but in the 2nd we dictated play and were really **** over by that shit ref at times. 3 points to build on now.
  20. It seems that his confidence has gone down the longer he's been at the club, unfortunately. I think he'll be a quality player for us in the long term though - he was absolutely amazing against Man U.
  21. Downing will probably have no shortage of admirers but we would command a decent fee for him given his performances this year. I hope and think that we will hold onto him. Downing's quotes (Sky Sports website over two articles): "we've got no problem with the manager." "We all want to win, the players are all behind the manager and I don't see any problem." "I have not even thought about leaving at any time. A lot faith went in to me. "The club paid a lot of money for me when I was injured and it was a serious injury. "I want to repay that faith and so do a lot of the other players as well. Doesn't sound like a man who wants out tbf.
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