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Everything posted by HongKongVillan

  1. dont get me wrong - this isnt a dig at our acadmey or anything, its more of a case of that £100m for one player was an exceptional case where the number/ranking is skewed. Of course, if we can have this exceptional case every 10 years say, that would still be good, and perhaps thats no longer an exceptional.
  2. This is one of the most one sided commentary there is from Sky
  3. Eat this you patronising sky commentators
  4. There is a certain £100m that would have skewed our number i guess
  5. I presume colwil just came back from injury cos he looks slow and shit. Will be in England squad I'm sure though
  6. Touch on the bottom of foot and he held his **** ankle
  7. Please tell me they will regret all these missed chances. Hojlund looks like won't be scoring again until they play us again, and will end up drifting playing in the Hong Kong premier league or something
  8. Oh look, Hojlund missing a sitter there
  9. Arteta getting schooled tactically again
  10. The brains of Britain Keown and Murphy partnership, **** hell. Feel sorry for lineker having to bear with these 2
  11. Is it me or are the Arse getting a lot of soft fouls?
  12. You would trust bully boy Foden to score against a Championship team
  13. As much as it feels disrespectful, but quite like the beeps 5mins intro to the match. No small talk, just straight to the point
  14. I've been watching a lot of western movies lately, and I'm just in the dollar trilogy at the moment. Often in gun fights, person A will asked his partner in crime, "cover me", so person A can move swiftly to a different location without being shot at. But what exactly is the partner supposed to do as "covering"? Keep shooting random shots at enemies, or accurate shots at the moment sensing Person A might just be shot at? If the former is correct, why bother asking for covering surely that's what gun fights are about, you just keep shooting at enemies until running out of ammo or defeating enemies? Just one more, seems like saying "cover me" gives you that immunity. I cannot recall anyone saying " cover me" will end up dead while they hop across a gun fight.
  15. That Burnley forward scored that same chance last game, typical
  16. All along I thought when people here mentioned Steve Spooner, I always had in mind that was just a cheap joke on them trying to get Steve Cooper, and landing on some nobody called Steve Spooner instead. Have no idea this Steve Spooner is actually real! Mowbray is to competent for their level if true.
  17. Now McNeil looks like may miss our game as well, may be
  18. Subjective, prob not a red but can see why it was. That's DCL missing our game then?
  19. Never have thought that much tension even with darts. The kid is good but well deserved that was for Humprhries
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