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Everything posted by HongKongVillan

  1. All along I thought when people here mentioned Steve Spooner, I always had in mind that was just a cheap joke on them trying to get Steve Cooper, and landing on some nobody called Steve Spooner instead. Have no idea this Steve Spooner is actually real! Mowbray is to competent for their level if true.
  2. Now McNeil looks like may miss our game as well, may be
  3. Subjective, prob not a red but can see why it was. That's DCL missing our game then?
  4. Never have thought that much tension even with darts. The kid is good but well deserved that was for Humprhries
  5. Watching obese men(boy) throwing darts on the other channel seems more entertaining then this game
  6. Only watched for 5 mins of it, weird quiet match and stadium, feels like players and fans would prefer to stay home instead of being there
  7. Isn't Lee Johnson now available? He managed in one of the European comp this year, just get him in
  8. I hope Coleen gets her brain hat on and bring a lawsuit against them. 2 wins out of 15, what did they expect!?
  9. That's why players dive becos ref are thick to believe anything, 4-2
  10. The biggest dive there is, shit ref
  11. They couldn't bottle it could they, 3-2
  12. This keeper isn't too bad for a backup right ?
  13. Could hear a pin drop at that famous Anfield
  14. What was Dan Burns doing drifting from left back to right back, floodgate open
  15. Sky and carragher just zoomed in and slow mo the penalty, Diaz being kicked on the left leg, and it was his right leg that gave in and fell. Clear Pen obviously Jamie. Ok, now a days if Diaz didn't dive, ref won't blow up as simple as that
  16. I only just said it earlier, don't mind media say nothing about villa, what gets me it's when they do, they always get it wrong.
  17. Happy for sky not mentioning us. would rather they say nothing, rather then coming shits like Villa lucky with injuries or some other bizarre narratives
  18. Decent footy results to end the year at least.
  19. Useless Fulham, and that was very quick for an offside check
  20. Hope: war ends whereas is Israel Vs Hama's, and Ukraine Vs Russia; not too many fireworks tonight; Jeff Bezos and his evil empire to die in the most painful way. Dreams: PL title and Cup(s) for Villa; then there's something I won't write just in case the wife somehow manage to read this. Thoughts: Unai is a genius; it is for Keir starmer to lose Predictions: AV to lose to Manure again with Anthony scoring his first hat trick in PL; pounds will be £1 to $1.4 by mid year; my dreams won't happen Ooh and happy New Year to everyone on VT
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