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Everything posted by HongKongVillan

  1. Off Topic! Villatalk is actually quite boring now a days cos everything is going so well on and off the pitch. May it continues. Oh and I really do find all the transfer threads utter shite!
  2. This year's Valentines day I will make sure I won't go out buying shirts so she will have a few less to iron.
  3. Well, a week of wankfeast like fireworks like bon fire to celebrate them winning the title or a month of silence to remember and feel sorry for them not winning? It's hard to choose, but on current merit they look as if they are going to do it this time round.
  4. It was just the Red Scouse for me, especially me and my 7 months old almost got ran over by a couple of Red non-scousers (they don't look like scousers to me if you know what I mean). But Spuds have now joint top on my hate list now Redknob is in charge.
  5. Spoke to a friend who works in the City a week ago, apparently the City (if you still believe in them?)is predicting a further 2 years fall in house price, and the main reason being that properties in the UK in general are still massively over priced! And mind you she got it right when she told me last year that the City had already predicted a sharp fall in 2008. Aplogies if this sounds like one of those ITK on the Villa transfer front from a spuds fan.
  6. Gabby and Ruud Guillet looks spot on in this!! Keep them coming!!!
  7. Me, I am just as qualify as those on the list. Seriously, wise
  8. Surely Show jumping or dresagge is another one? Something what the brits do like the Royal Ascot is more exciting than this dire event? As for anything which requires judges, surely Diving is still one of the best event out there in the olympics.
  9. I think I am a working class. Although having an above average salary at still a reasonably youngish age (27), so does my wife, 1 kid now and if we both continue to work we would be fine and hopefully wecould get our 1st property on a mortgage by year end or beginning of next year. (and thats after years of savings and getting my own deposits) But if one of us get the sack, things will get tight at home. and pocket money to both parties' parents (one retired and dad semi retired) will need to cut short. and whoever gets the sack will need to find a new job quick before things turn more difficult. I think for someone to be in the mid - upper class they will need to have a weathy backer, ie. mum and dad. The one who could ask dad to lend a few grand for getting a deposits on their first property, the one who may get fired tomorrow at work, but their parents will tell them to come and stay at their 3-4 bedrooms house for a while and take your time to find a right job, or even daddy asking friends if they may have job offers for their son/daughter. The one who could ask mum to buy her wedding dress etc. Just my classifications though.
  10. May I ask who she was? if you know? My bro went to the same school as Josh Lewsy. I once sang on national TV, live! and in front of the queen. my dad ex colleague's daughter won beauty pageant in hong kong, now she is a bit of a star there. apparently we met a few times as a kid.
  11. Hi General. First time poster on this thread. I went on the AVFC website to look for an infant kit for my 3 months old girl, but seems like the Sponsor logo is only on the adult kits and none for infants and the kids version? And I rang up the Villa sales team and this lady has also confirm there is no sponsor logo on the infants kit. I mean this is not a big deal but I would love to have the logo on the infant kit too especially it is for good causes and the kit does look a bit weird without the logo. Otherwise great job for all involve and all the best!!! (especially with transfers)
  12. Same here! However I guess I am even worst as I am looking for 10% deposits. But spoke to a mortgage advisor the other day, I could still afford a mortgage on a 10% deposits on a £350k property, but on a fixed rate term of around 6.5% for 2 years. (Is this high?) If none of us (me and my wife) get the sack from work, we could manage it, but if it happens we would be skin tight and have to look for work as soon as. Hopefully the house price do go down a bit more by the end of the year and by then I could potentially have a better deposits. I guess it is a good time to wait and build up a bigger pot of gold before buying around winter time... anyone advice me if I am wrong...
  13. Voted for Aerosmith....but someone just reminded me of U2
  14. As long as Rednapp wins **** all then I'm happy. and really want Encklemann to win something...don't know why but i do
  15. Defo for a big cheer, he served the club for years and served it well! But Spainish waiter Manuel would get a lot of sticks thats for sure!
  16. That is so low!!! But why, god why would you do that for a Cameron Jerome shirt?
  17. Thanks Dude! Like you said, there seems to be more games available for the xbox, hence why I am targeting for the Xbox rather than the PS3, and also I heard there is problem with PS3 with a non HD TV. Is there a similar issue with Xbox as well? or should i just buy a brand new hD tv?
  18. So which one (360 or PS3) is better with a non HD TV? As I understand PS3 runs poorly on a normal TV. Could someone pls advice as I am a poor sod who is still playing games on PS2 and in need a update in the gaming world! edit: Just notice there are different versions for the xbox, the Arcade, console and Elite? Which one do I need to play games like GTA4 or Pro Evo? And if I could get it for £240 on Elite, is this a good deal?
  19. He dives, like many, but he probably get away with it the most from the ref and also from the media.
  20. Burrell! At least the beatle guy enjoyed the use of Mills before things turned nasty.Yes, £24m is a lot, but he should have known. For someone betraying a royal, is like selling out your own country IMO. (not that if I support the Royals or anything)
  21. Surely is going to be McClown. Look at their previous managers, Souness, Roeder.... all useless, I can't think of anymore useless manager who is at the mo available. Shame fistface has been taken already. Or may be Bryan Robson, Barcode's type of manager.
  22. Zero at this rate. And I've got a feeling that we will have someone lining up on the deadline day and James Milner saga all over again. I DO Hope I am Wrong!
  23. No arguement here!!! Pro Evo all the way, but just wish they could dig deep into their pocket and spend a few bucks to acquire all licenses!!!
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