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Everything posted by skarroki

  1. He's achieved everything now internationally and I just wonder whether a) his form will begin to dip as he has nothing more to prove b) he will begin to make noises about leaving. These fears may be misplaced, I'm sure I'm not the first or last to say it and I hope to be proven wrong.
  2. Just feel very meh about him now. Would like to see him replaced as captain by Emi and Mings made vice-captain publicly. Get the lad out the for a few weeks and see what he can do from the bench after a bit more time out the limelight. He's a very capable player in the right set up. I'm just not sure that we'll be setting up in a way that will compliment him. If it comes to i to, no hard feelings either way and thanks for the memories, best of luck at Brentford or somewhere like that.
  3. Can't believe how many people on here are off their rockers saying no to Grealish. Shouldn't be a conversation let alone a whole group of people suggesting we're above bringing back one of our best ever players
  4. Players going back to clubs you think of Bale at Spurs and Ronaldo at Man Utd, players who have clearly had it at the top level and are living rent free on their past. Grealish bleeds claret and blue as does his whole family and he's only 27. 18 months ago people would have thrown the kitchen sink and the rest if it meant convincing him to stay. I think a section of those saying they wouldn't have him back are being a bit too proud. We haven't moved on, it's been 18 months and they've almost entirely been shit. Grealish has won the league and a cup and been an England regular. Grealish isn't a player that has to been the focal point and everything go through him either. If we had Bailey or Buendia or Traore back and had 2/3 marking Grealish again we'd win most our matches.
  5. skarroki

    Ezri Konsa

    This is not an indication of who he's signed but who has signed for the club whilst he was manager. However, obviously the transfer committee at each club you would suspect would be looking to bring in players that better suit the style of play Emery wants. You can make your own mind up about the type of defenders these players are but I would say that Konsa would fit into this lineup of names: Adil Rami (twice) Victor Ruiz Daniel Carrico Federico Fazio William Saliba David Luiz Sokratis Jorge Cuenca One thing that has struck me is how few central defensive transfers he's made throughout his career.
  6. I've always really liked Digne at Everton, thought he was one of the best LBs in the league and when Rafa was messing him about I said to friends "imagine if no big club goes in for him and Villa manage to snatch him". In the end their seemed to be no competition for whatever reason, whether we acted swiftly or whether the only other clubs interested were also not playing in Europe. He's got so much to offer and I hope Emery can get it out of him, his crossing and dead balls are great, his all-round game is very strong for our current level and the age bracket he's in makes me think he could be here for a while longer if we can bring through or sign a young LB to be his understudy / cup specialist for a little while
  7. Players look like they're learning the ropes and in slight spells we looked good. But a rotated side had a good mixture of players out of form and out of confidence and that really showed. I feel for Mings, McGinn and Watkins. They were highly rated and loved by the fans at one point but that goodwill has gone on here. I don't want them sold but think the world cup break and maybe even after that a few more weeks out the spotlight whilst the teams gets back to winning ways and gets used to a new style. Olsen will get that until we draw a league two side in the FA Cup and then hopefully he'll show himself to not be a competition winner.
  8. All about the FA Cup anyway. Keep your tinpot b-tech red bull tin foil trophy
  9. I take it all back, sell Olsen, sell Mings, sell everyone
  10. Respected International goalkeeper with no match sharpness in poor game shocker Player written off during one poor performance on VillaTalk shocker
  11. You're questioning his character that's the definition of personal I believe he was told to play a certain way which made him look poor. I hope Emery can make him look good
  12. Huddersfield are playing a lad from their academy that turned 18 years old in May as a makeshift RB ahead of Kaine.
  13. Is it 3 or 5 subs in the cup? If 5 I'd be bringing on Buendia, Bailey and Archer at half time
  14. If Huddersfield are a shambles and one of the worst teams in the league, you'd think Kaine would be able to get some minutes. He's not been rated by two different managers now at the club and has been poor when he's given the chance on the whole. I was hoping he'd go to Preston as they're desperate for a RWB. Maybe a switch in the Jan window. Otherwise he's better off in a lower division or back with our squad imo
  15. The hell is going on with Wesley? Really not good enough to start for a team in the Spanish 2nd Division?! Getting maybe 8 minutes a fortnight.
  16. Kesler having a real tough time of it. Would be maybe worth sending him back to MK or Swindon, bit of familiarity
  17. The guy is a successful billionaire, not a child on FIFA rage-quitting
  18. This is insanity. Start of this season people thought we had a squad good enough for Europe. When Purslow came in we were bottom half of the championship with no fit CBs and a squad with an average age of 41 - most on loan or out of contract. About time some people on here gave this guy and every other person making footballing decisions a break. Gerrard was risky and it didn't pay off, his responsibility if it was his sole decision but not a reason to get rid of him. imo a different CEO doesn't get £100mil for Grealish. We don't get £20mil for Chuk. We get beaten to the signings of Ings, Bailey, Traore, Digne, etc etc etc. The January after our promotion was the only window I can remember that we screwed up royally but the summer we came up and the summer after were fantastic on the whole. Wesley a big miss but we would have gone for Tammy if we could, couple of punts that didn't work out over the years. The only other big signing we've failed on that I can see is Coutinho but if you're backing your manager you can't refuse to sign Coutinho, and at the time the deal we got looked insane, we were praised for getting such a good deal at a low prices and wages compared to expectations.
  19. He's got a security dog? Maybe I'm massively sheltered but I had no idea they were a thing in the UK, enough for a well-known person to flaunt that they have one.
  20. Despite all we've been through in the 12 years I've been on the site, the only hot topic after a 4-0 battering by Newcastle on a Monday night is the credentials of a set piece coach?! And the discussion about him now as the same as it's been on every single page. essentially people have no idea what he does. It's all just wild speculation and assumptions on his ability based on which bits of the assumptions you choose to cherry-pick. the only thing that matters to me is that he's here and that someone high up enough to make these calls wants him here. And separate to that, nobody high up enough in the decision making has enough sway and / or enough against this guy to get the club to relieve him of his duties. I think that says enough in itself. also my wild speculation - if Emery didn't want him he would be gone.
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