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Vancvillan last won the day on October 27 2020

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About Vancvillan

  • Birthday 17/06/1980

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    A Long Way From B6

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  1. 1. He's cheap 2. He's better than Scott McTominay, who some on here were suggesting we sign in last summer/ this winter 3. He's a different player to the one who we last saw in a Villa shirt (which for context was during the season Keinen Davis made 18 appearances, so yeah a long time ago) 4. It's not even the end of May 5. He's 6'14", which will appease those mentioned in #2
  2. Wait Brad Guzan is only 39? Reckon he's fudged his wiki page because he looks and moves like he's due a free bus pass.
  3. Jfc I hope some of you never see the things your other half likes on socials, they'd come home to find four walls covered in pins and string. He's a 20 year-old multi-millionaire who kicks a ball between two sticks for a living. I was skint at 20 and if you analyised 1% of what I did you'd probably have said I was destined for a life in prison. And I was one of the better behaved ones. I know there's a temptation to put 100% weight on what's public, but keep in mind it's 0.000001% of his time that you're actually seeing.
  4. Bournemouth will be nowhere near the top 4. Would be more worried about West Ham, and I'm not worried about West Ham. For us, good showing in UCL, run in either cup and top 5 would be an achievement.
  5. Heart says Burnley win, Luton win at West Ham and Forest get beat by Chelsea. Makes Burnley v Forest the perfect final game of the season with Luton playing a beatable Fulham. Head says draw and Burnley down, with Luton and Forest both losing to make the last game a bit of a dead rubber.
  6. The feeble throwing of the light is vintage Partridge.
  7. I don't think deano was eligible for the U23s then.
  8. Realistically who would take the job when they boot ETH? It's the definition of a poisoned chalice. Personally I think they need a true leader, one of the world's greatest players - the kind of man that will look you in the eye.
  9. I think Spurs will get a max of 4 points vs sheff united and burnley.
  10. Spurs are more likely to finish 6th than 4th. But they'll finish 5th. It's done.
  11. How does anybody feel "average" about this season?
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