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Everything posted by CLARETANDBLUEFOXY

  1. Yeah it’s very cheeky and I disagree that they charge people £40 to get a good chance at getting a ticket but it’s the only way at the moment. I haven’t got a membership at the moment and was only able to go to two games this season due to demand!
  2. I also think this may have a knock on effect of ticket availability for members, too. I think you’ll probably see a spike in memberships now as I reckon a lot of ST holders may go down to having a memberships which is going to make getting tickets even harder now even when you’ve forked out for a membership. I’ve never known this club to be so inaccessible! I’ve been going to to Villa Park for bloody years now and even when we were 5th/6th in the league I could easily get home AND away tickets whenever I wanted. I went to so many championship games as well - was there for the semi final against West Brom and even managed to get a ticket for the 2018 play off final. What the **** has happened to make us suddenly Manchester United when it comes to prospects of getting tickets? I only managed to get two for Norwich last weekend cos I luckily refreshed the page the exact moment someone gave their seats up. It’s madness.
  3. I agree. This is exactly what I say!!! People seem to forget how much he lied when he signed his contract and how much he **** up the preparation for our season. I think people have every right to still be mad with him! If he had said to fans “I’m signing a new contract but actually I do have dreams of playing in the big league so this may be my last stint here” then we could have respected his career choices and his honesty. But he didn’t. He gave all that “I’m here for the long haul, I’m here to see out the five year project. My club, my city blah blah blah” and I think he massively disrespected the club and the fans. For that reason, last night a lot of us did celebrate at his misfortune .
  4. I’ve literally just put myself down for a couple of season tickets so where I am brand new to the waiting list I don’t expect to be offered a season ticket anytime soon. I know it’s going to be pricey but I would love a season ticket more than anything and would jump at one if it was offered to me. Does anyone know the official waiting list time or is it a mystery?
  5. On the way home back from the game now - I’ve gotta say, personally for me, I feel like the referee killed the momentum of the game. First ten minutes of the second half he blew his whistle every time a Norwich player fell over and there was more yellow coming from his pocket than from the Norwich shirts. After that, we became quite timid and fearful of flinging ourselves into the battle. Had the ref not been so card happy, I feel we would have started the second half the way we ended the first half. Just my opinion anyway. Great to get the win and the clean sheet and it was great to hear Deano get the good reception he deserved.
  6. I’m so excited for this. Actually managed to get tickets for this so I am predicting nothing but an emphatic win!
  7. Ok looking at these subs - I’m now convinced Gerrard is on a secret mission to destroy us. Closet Birmingham fan? This was said in jest by the way.
  8. Ok cos of how boring this game is - let’s play what would you rather. Would you rather already be losing and be resigned to our fate already OR lose now to a Vardy shithouse.
  9. Well, I’m hoping next weekend we actually get to see a change. Join me again for more comedic comments….
  10. Oh the predictability about it all now Vardy is coming on. And does his usual shithouse celebration.
  11. Picture the scene - it gets to next august and Gerrard has stuck with this same team. “The lads have played well enough to keep the shirt…”
  12. Anyone wonder if Gerrard has come in and really pissed everyone off? It seems so toxic at the moment.
  13. I wonder what Gerrard is going to say to them at half time? “Well played lads. Keep going as you are.”
  14. Wow Newcastle are flying isn’t it. Mad what a decent January window can do for you.
  15. I don’t understand who we are referring to here and I’m so confused.
  16. Just think though, this time next week we might have a hope of winning…
  17. Well, I’m sure we will all find out soon enough as he doesn’t shy away from making his frustrations known on the pitch
  18. Personally, for me, I feel he’s going to be pissed he hasn’t been the star man everyone made him feel like in August when he joined. He will see another guy come in to the same fan fare and be jealous he didn’t live up to his billing. Just my thoughts though. The only person that will truly know is Jack himself.
  19. I think this is pretty true to be fair. I remember the days where John Carew made us all feel like we were his best mate haha I miss that guy.
  20. This is Jack Grealish - the man with an ego the size of Wembley
  21. It’s like we have the same mind lol Im infuriated for that same reason and I’m also vying for Man City to win nothing this year.
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