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Everything posted by CLARETANDBLUEFOXY

  1. That would really annoy me - like an ex coming back after they’ve cheated. “Oh I’ve won my trophies now…I’m back!” Go away.
  2. Going to be quite funny how much Jack’s nose is going to be out of joint as he’s no longer the star signing.
  3. Oh yes! Also, I was reading Twitter earlier and apparently one of their fans spat on a little girl going to her first Blackpool game. Utter filth.
  4. Yeah the Dean Smith homecoming was deffo going to be a high attraction for this game.
  5. Ha ha it’s always simmered but this year it’s really come out
  6. Ever since the phantom VAR decision in the FA Cup earlier this season where they did everything they could to keep United going through - all I ever want is United to lose now so tonight has delighted me.
  7. The two week break will hopefully do us good!!!
  8. I’m surprisingly feeling a little confident about this. I’m not even sure why. Just have a good feeling about this one.
  9. Update- more became available this morning and I managed to nab a couple
  10. Well, you’ve given me some comfort - I’m glad it’s not just me getting pissed off with it all lol
  11. I think that’s what annoys me the most. I was going during the awful last few years in the premier league and then still kept going during the championship days, even managed to get a ticket for the 2018 play off final. Now I’m being priced out but I guess that’s football these days
  12. Might just bite the bullet and get memberships but it just smacks of taking advantage to make people pay just to stand a chance of going. I know it’s business at the end of the day but it feels unfair.
  13. Yeah this is what I was saying to my mate just now! We are playing awful and have simply regressed yet demand is at fever pitch!
  14. Not sure if this is the right place to put this but wow is it hard to get tickets to Villa these days. Had everything ready for Norwich tickets going on sale at 5pm and there was literally no two seats ticket when they went on sale. I know we have lots of season ticket holders and members but how is it harder to get tickets now than when we were finishing in the top 6? I’d never have trouble back then! Good sign that we are popular but very frustrating when you can’t afford to buy memberships and then tickets on top of that
  15. Agreed. We built him up because he was homegrown and a Villa fan. But actually, his best football was played in the championship. We were still a mediocre team that couldn’t get a sniff of the top ten even with him. We 100% overrated him and I can see that now.
  16. I hope he goes home tonight and sits there and thinks about what he’s done. Silly boy leaving Villa to be a nothing and no-one at City. Even if he wins his title - he did nothing to earn it and he knows it.
  17. In the previous thread, I made a very big deal of the fact Konsa was a boyhood Spurs fan and that maybe he was helping them out with how poor he was today. Upon reflection, I think I was just trying to make myself feel better because I was struggling to cope with the fact my club has a player that can play that badly. But actually, deep down, I know he wasn’t doing his favourite club a favour - deep down I know he really is that poor. Him, Ings, Mings, McGinn and Watkins need replacing. Until then we can fully expect to be wallowing in the bottom half of the league forever.
  18. Gotta say, This bunch of players are the worst since those dark relegation days.
  19. It’s a better explanation than his defending is genuinely that bad
  20. None one gives away three soft goals like that against a team they supported as a boy without getting people to wonder
  21. They said at the start of the game he’s a Spurs fan
  22. Did anyone hear at the start of this game them saying Konsa was a boyhood Spurs fan. Anyone starting to think he’s done this on purpose?
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