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Everything posted by CLARETANDBLUEFOXY

  1. Any truth to the rumours Emi asked to be rested for Argentina duty?
  2. It’s actually amusing me so much how many Liverpool supporting friends keeping telling me how much they’re relying on us to get something. Mate, Aston Villa are the last football club you want to rely on!!
  3. Yeah man! Was just hoping for one last season lording it above them but no…827292929292292828282 trillion pounds landed in their lap just before the January transfer window.
  4. Also, I’m still a little stressed out that Newcastle managed to finish above us. What?
  5. To be fair, the worse we play now means Gerrard will 100% know what he needs to do come the summer.
  6. I know I would get one. We are still cheaper than most grounds and at the end of the day if people don’t wanna pay it then that’s absolutely fine and their choice but I’d snap up a ticket price rise or not. As it happens, being a member just got a whole lot harder as I bet there will be lots of people downgrading from season ticket to membership so getting a ticket is gonna be bloody difficult without a season ticket now.
  7. As much as I’d prefer Everton or Leeds to go down it would be brilliant to beat them and help send Ben Mee down a league where he belongs.
  8. Regardless of whether he was our star man, he betrayed us. He allowed us to think he was in it for the long haul when he really had one eye on the door the whole time. If he had been honest and said he wanted to move to win things, I’d have accepted it and wished him well but it was the deceit and the false promises and false hope that means he cannot be regarded a legend. There are plenty of players who left Villa for bigger things that still get plenty of respect but the reason Jack gets stick is the way he went about it.
  9. I don’t think anyone that says “I’m in it for the five year project” “my city, my club blah blah blah” whilst then inserting a release clause fully knowing he will probably leave within the year deserves anything other than being called a liar liar pants on fire
  10. True but even when we are poor, there’s no response. I always thought we had the best fans in the world but I really do feel like Everton and Leeds have shown us up recently. And Everton’s form has clearly been in response to their fans.
  11. I’ve been watching a lot of football recently and one thing that’s stood out for me is how amazing the atmosphere is at teams like Everton and Leeds. They’ve had performances that are terrible and yet their fans have really pulled irons out of the fire support wise. Leeds fans didnt stop singing even at 3-0 down against Chelsea. We have a lot of work to do atmosphere wise!
  12. We are going to lose Buendia arnt we? And he’s going to come back to haunt us.
  13. So is this a player problem or a manager problem, are we thinking?
  14. Don’t have a stream so not watching - general opinion of us so far?? Best and worse players?
  15. I think the only set of fans that hate Zaha more than us are Watford.
  16. I was reading an interview with Zaha the other day where he was moaning about being hated and it hurts because he’s “a human being” don’t be such a prick on the football pitch then?
  17. Side note - I can’t stand Zaha so I hope he has an awful game.
  18. Oh god I hope not. His attitude is terrible. Will never forget his interview last season when asked about the teams previous match and he couldn’t even remember who they played against!
  19. For me, this is a huge game. Bigger than last nights in my eyes. Anyone who says there’s nothing left to play for is wrong. We’ve got a top ten finish still to chase - I think it’s so so important we are least try to finish higher than we did last year. Being a top ten club also looks way more attractive to potential new signings as well. I think if we are up for it and play like we did last night then we can easily brush Palace aside. Having said that - Palace have had some top results this season and are super strong on their day. As long as we keep our heads, CONCENTRATE when defending and put our chances away - we can do it! 3-1 Villa!
  20. Lots of talk today from neutrals/sports media saying the refereeing was very dodgy indeed. Never gets looked into, though, does it?
  21. Buendia not starting - didn’t make sense. Nakamba starting didn’t make sense. Chuk coming on didn’t make sense. The referees decisions didn’t make sense. The fact we couldn’t hold the lead for more than three minutes didn’t make sense. Ings and his woeful finishing didn’t make sense. The fact we didn’t get a point didn’t make sense. Annoying game but we held our own all the above considered.
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