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Everything posted by CLARETANDBLUEFOXY

  1. Had my picture taken with him outside Villa Park a few years ago - lovely bloke he was!
  2. I’d normally rate Nakamba starting in this sort of game but he’s been injured since the 1996 league cup final (ok slight exaggeration) so I’m nervous at how this will pan out.
  3. Konsa starting this game is a bit of a joke, isn’t it? Our bench compared to Liverpool’s pretty much symbolises the gulf in squad depth and quality between the two sides. Not optimistic tonight but hoping for a far fetched draw.
  4. It’s gotta be Everton after those few years we were rivals for 5th haha
  5. Brilliant 3 points. Keeps us stable in the table (see what I did there?) and keeps the feel good factor brimming for players and fans alike. Annoying to concede at the death but in other football news at least the hornets in our side have gone and won’t take 6 points from us again for at least another year
  6. Agreed. I was at the home game V Brentford and we were frustratingly poor! Although, on the flip side, we had a lot of players out that day.
  7. To be fair, I’d rather he buggered off. It’s quite clear he doesn’t want to be here and his head has been turned by the big time.
  8. I see us playing like this and remember that we have lost to Watford twice (who are arguably the second worst team in the league) and I think to myself…where would we be if we hadn’t lost stupid games like that!
  9. Annoying that Watford are letting us down though. Wanted us to leapfrog Palace.
  10. I’m delighted with the score. Honestly thought this would have been a tough 1-1 so this is brilliant! Well done lads!
  11. I don’t think a game has ever wound me up as much as that one did
  12. I like your spirit!!! Let’s hope so!
  13. Strangely not feeling good about this one. Burnley are fighting for their lives and are always rough and ready against us. I hope we can win because we really need to start getting wins against these sorts of teams under our belts. That said, I’m going to go for a hard fought 1-1.
  14. Ha ha I always admire the bravery of people that venture out dead on half time. It’s like a will they won’t they of making it back in time for the second half
  15. Sign him up. Still our best player by miles in terms of ability to change a game. Just look at his impact against Man United!
  16. I always get food before the game for this reason. Not worth the stress of missing either of the halves!
  17. Yup! It’s very annoying as where were they when we were playing Burton!
  18. Yeah it’s very cheeky and I disagree that they charge people £40 to get a good chance at getting a ticket but it’s the only way at the moment. I haven’t got a membership at the moment and was only able to go to two games this season due to demand!
  19. I also think this may have a knock on effect of ticket availability for members, too. I think you’ll probably see a spike in memberships now as I reckon a lot of ST holders may go down to having a memberships which is going to make getting tickets even harder now even when you’ve forked out for a membership. I’ve never known this club to be so inaccessible! I’ve been going to to Villa Park for bloody years now and even when we were 5th/6th in the league I could easily get home AND away tickets whenever I wanted. I went to so many championship games as well - was there for the semi final against West Brom and even managed to get a ticket for the 2018 play off final. What the **** has happened to make us suddenly Manchester United when it comes to prospects of getting tickets? I only managed to get two for Norwich last weekend cos I luckily refreshed the page the exact moment someone gave their seats up. It’s madness.
  20. I agree. This is exactly what I say!!! People seem to forget how much he lied when he signed his contract and how much he **** up the preparation for our season. I think people have every right to still be mad with him! If he had said to fans “I’m signing a new contract but actually I do have dreams of playing in the big league so this may be my last stint here” then we could have respected his career choices and his honesty. But he didn’t. He gave all that “I’m here for the long haul, I’m here to see out the five year project. My club, my city blah blah blah” and I think he massively disrespected the club and the fans. For that reason, last night a lot of us did celebrate at his misfortune .
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