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Everything posted by tomaspg

  1. Welcome! Hope he does well good to finally see some changes to the squad..
  2. Has he said anything regarding intended transfer targets? Im a bit out of the loop..
  3. Welcome! Good to see some new blood, well needed
  4. Been out for 15ish months with a broken kneecap, better check it thoroughly read a bit about him, all sounds verry promising before the injury, hopefully he comes back in the same shape. But i doubt you get off without any long lasting effects with that type of injury
  5. Think the general gist is that he wants to get cracking and is bored of waiting? My guess atleast
  6. tomaspg

    Carles Gil

    Personally i like the man and id love for him to stay. but to me, if we now have this big warchest, id only want players that fit into di matteos plans. Or do we still have a director of football type of character that drives things? If a player fits perfectly into a managers team/playstyle they would probably be more inclined to pay more for a player we think is sheit.
  7. 5mill might buy alot in the championship, but i hope they arent planning on staying here for more than a year, so keeping those players who can do a job in the PL should be important. Clark would be one of the few players id keep from last year. Getting someone worse in just to have to replace them again in a year seems a bit pointless
  8. Really pleased with this. Let the good news continue!
  9. bit out of the loop, but is there anything solid on Samuelson actually having anything to do with the board?
  10. IMO one of the few id keep. nevermind the salary, we will be back in the prem in a year. we have to work from the outset that we will succeed not fail
  11. awwwwwwwwwwwww yissssssss! HAPPY DAYS!
  12. and as always we fall short one day the dream of mediocrity will be back!
  13. even if premier league is tainted and all wrong, it still remains the top tier. id take a season of getting the odd hammering and ending up midtable in the premier league over breezing through a more entertaining championship. i think thats what those two argument boils down too, being entertained or trying to be the best club we can possibly be. Guess there are pro's and con's to both sides but i can never see my self being happy sitting in the championship knowing theres a tier with more quality above us. we belong in the premier league and ill cry my self to sleep every night until we are back
  14. christ.. havent been on here for a while as i needed a couple of weeks break from villa, good to see were still going strong
  15. I was hoping for another year for remi, but if i had to choose id probably go for moyes.
  16. i couldnt agree less. Set us up to be hard to beat with what? we tried playing with 5 defenders and we still shipped in 4-5 goals, we could play with seven but still get punished. there is absolutley nothing Garde can do about that, there simply isnt any quality there. Who would you like to see instead of veretout and gil? if you havent noticed we dont really have any other options. its like saying we should play someone upfront who can score goals, but ignoring the fact that we only have gestede and gabby to rely on.
  17. Were not gonma get another goal this season are we?
  18. We can turn this around, easy. Just get sinclair on
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