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Everything posted by ciggiesnbeer

  1. A 30 year old midfielder for four and half million quid? I dont care if he is a Norwich crowd favourite or not, thats seems like a poor buy. Hopefully its not true.
  2. According to Gaston after the Vlaar leak the club has been extra careful about information limitation. Seems a reasonable assumption. Or we could just have completed all our signings already....:eek:
  3. I hardly think Weimann has been given a chance yet True in the league. But he has had a LOT of gametime pre season and if anything he is going backwards. I hate typing it, I like the player, but thats what I see. edit: I didnt see the first half of todays game. Apparently he played well, so I could be off base with the above. I like Lambert and I love the style he has us going for. My worry right now is (as others have mentioned) most of our team in general just doesnt look high enough quality. Lamberts signings so far have been canny and low budget. I do wonder how far that approach can take us. We need to bring in a true high quality player or two and pay for it, if we aim to be comfortable midtable this season I reckon.
  4. We need a LB another DM (yes another) and a partner for Bent. It sucks that Weimann and Delphonso havent stepped it up but we have to live with the reality I am afraid.
  5. While we conceded three goals the defensive dodgyness in this game is firmly the fault of our DM's not helping out, a poor given mistake and using a makeshift fullback after Stevens went off. I would say Clarke and Vlaar had a decent game.
  6. I feel bad for him. He was busting his gut in the USA tour to try and prove himself. I hope this is just injury related. I like the bloke, i want him to succeed.
  7. Fair. I am excited we are in for anyone to be honest. Naturally if we do end up with carroll then I will happily support him. He isnt my first choice though. Simply because I think he would tap out Lamberts pocketmoney and I would sooner it used for 3 up and coming hungry players than one big one.
  8. Its probably all bollocks but this is transfer season. And with no football to watch this helps pass the time.
  9. 14th but play some decent stuff. Have our football look better and better as the season goes on. Get a beating (lose by more than 3 goals) by one of the Manchesters but throw at least one beating of our own to a newly promoted team. I expect us to play the kids in all cup matches as Lambert focuses on the league. The above would be ok by me. Anything more is a bonus.
  10. Which means, someone on a tour of villa park, needs to take some photos of New players and spread it around twitter.. no problem Lambert out. FFS signing overpriced players on long term contracts is MON all over again. Last thing we need is more short lightweights on the team, no matter how "skilled" they might be on paper. We need people who can run fast up the wings or smash in a good eader up front.* *these are not my real views.
  11. Great banner. Might want to make sure the bottom is always visible at the ground. As I scrolled down and couldnt read the full letters I read it as STD below Sids face. Which was a bit jarring
  12. We could use another strong central midfielder for rotation. Screw wingers, they are useful if you are playing fast counter attacking football, in general we wont be. We are playing possession based football this season. Locking down the center of midfield remains the priority. I am happy we are going narrow with the 4-2-2-2 but if we are, then as has been noted we REALLY need to invest in a high quality left back as well.
  13. I love the idea of Villa going on Red-Alert. I imagine a special "transfer ops room" with a siren going off and a flashing red light. "Lambert to the Ops room, we have a developing situation in Germany, Lambert to the Ops room."
  14. I think Warnock agrees. he was originally a midfielder and has always preferred that position.
  15. Very optimistic we will play some good football. I doubt we will end up top half though. But thats ok, I will take supporting a Villa playing great football any day of the week.
  16. Ireland has been our best player by far in pre season. Partly because Lamberts style makes creative players shine (its why bannan has been looking good too) Selling him would be unexpected and unwelcome.
  17. To be fair I think he could do a very good job at a team that suits his style. Thats just not Lamberts Villa 2.0 If Forest bag him then he could help them significantly.
  18. This thread is making me happy. Combine that with the attractive way lambert has us playing (in pre season anyway) and we are going to be rocking atmosphere wise next season.
  19. Well we must have sold someone with telling of course, or planning to sell a few right? I mean the alternative is that McLeish was exaggerating the jobs restrictions just in order to make himself look less bad....wait a minute..
  20. I doubt we could get any of their starting 11. Maybe Savic or one of their youth setup? or just possibly Nimely? I mean if they get RvP then they really need to ship out some of their reserve strikers maybe?
  21. Agree with this. Although some big men also have a great touch (Zlatan for one) I honestly havent seen enough of Carroll to know how good he is in possession, but on current evidence unless you have skill on the ball you are useless to Lamberts Villa 2.0 and thank god for that.
  22. I think he will be a success if given the chance. I DO think we will have a very hard start to the season though. His tactics are exactly what is needed (and I love watching it) but it is going to be very hard to get these players up to speed quickly. Right now we would be torn apart by a top half PL team. That said, I desperately want him to keep on the track he is on. These tactics are great to watch and brave to try. Even though I expect us to struggle a bit as we adjust if he stays on this track PL will succeed, not just because Villa fans will once again be proud of how our team plays (slick passing possession football) but because long term it can win things. He style is very modern. It will win. I just hope we all give it and him a bit of time as he develops it and the team.
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