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Everything posted by Dale

  1. I'll keep my royal family with parliamentary sovreignty please.
  2. Music for me too, has to be, live gig or cinema? live gig every single day of the week.
  3. General, One of my relatives is on mobility support and we are looking into getting a season ticket for him, is there any chance of sorting a parking space at Villa Park (who should we speak to?) as he wouldn't be able to handle the walk from the train station or car parks further afield. Many Thanks, Dale
  4. Gareth Barry's Magic He wears an England Cap And He plays for Aston Villa in the middle or at the back He tackles with his left foot, he tackles with his right And when we play you, he'll make you all look Sh.**e
  5. Heard this is Arkles earlier to the tune of give a dog a bone Ashley Young he plays 7 Wish he played 1 to 11 with a nick nack paddy whack give Ashley the ball He's so good he'll beat them all Was liking that.
  6. Yes, cheating word removed. Spends more time on his arse from diving than Heskey does from falling over.
  7. I love Yeti, booked them for a gig in Stoke in February, unfortunately didn't sell what it deserved to, made a loss but loved every minute of it
  8. As a referee I will answer this.... Players can NOT be treated on the pitch (merely assessed, unless of a head injury) I don't know why this isn't strictly enforced, all treatment must take place outside of the field of play, I think that as treatment seems to be happening on the field of play the leaving of the pitch is necessary to justify the treatment on the pitch? I wouldn't allow any spray or the bag on the pitch in a game I was refereeing, get them off the pitch first!
  9. Hello General, let me begin by saying that this is not a moan, as it is the norm throughout the Premiership, well the clubs that offer student prices. As a University student I am the poorest I've ever been and hopefully will ever be! To that end I believe that Student prices should be closer to those offered to children/OAP. My logic is that OAP's have had there whole life to earn a decent crust and had the opportunity to save to that end and plan to be comfortable in retirement, indeed other young adults (who are not in education) have no reason to be hard-up as they can (in theory at least) hold down full time jobs. As a child I had a pot washing job, my money was just that expendable in any way that I wished, in fact I saved and spent a year as a season ticket holder, which was very very nice! Now however any income I get be it student loan/part time job or allowance from my parents seems to be taken away by accommodation and my unfortunate need for food! I have been a few times this season here and there, but times are getting harder as my overdraft runs ever larger! Really pleased to have you on board and look forward to many more successful years with Randy, yourself, Richard et al at the healm. Dale
  10. Ridgewell: "it's almost like I've played for England, my hero"
  11. Anyone seen the picture on the OS of Barry and Ridgewell, Ridgewell looks weak and skinny stood next to Barry, maybe it is worth sticking Big John with him? Captions?
  12. I think it is down to Social conditioning/nurture. For example the few gay people that I know were brought up with a single parent (the female.), I think it is something to do with the lack of male influence on their lives, the same goes for the people I know who are a bit **** up on drugs.
  13. Off the top of my head: Terry, Gallas, Toure, King, Dawson, Carragher, Hypia, Dunn, Distin, Campbell, Woodgate, Jagielka in the PL, and Davies, at West Brom are all better than Mellberg. Notice that the first 7 play for top 4 teams. If we want to be top 4 we need to get rid of players like Mellberg. He's been rubbish since Gregory left and that was years ago. Would disagree with- Jagielka, Davies (not seen him do it up the top), Woodgate (back at Leeds he was the best at the time), Dawson (again seen nothing), Hyppia has been losing it for a long time. And Richard Dunne no ta. Same goes for Distin. Add Ferdinand to that as a better player
  14. But at the same time he looks so warming with that beard....
  15. Strange, I don't think Mellberg is anywhere near as bad in the air as people have made out. Given I have always seen him as our best defender and a more than adequate replacement to Southgate. What Mellberg needs is a regular partner.... With Laursen he looks so comfortable as he did with Alpay. There is a reason he was captain and to be honest if you don't see what he does right you have an agenda. I'm not saying he is Paul McGrath but I can say with some confidence he is amung the best in the league, he wouldn't be under so much pressure with a better "destroyer" in front of him. I remember threads comparing him with God.
  16. And people were complaining about the cost of Ashley Young? No Thank you
  17. How old is Lennon? We don't want more ageing Celtic men.
  18. Keep up the hard work, and I hope that steam clean works, it just looks.... dirty. Not sure what it were like back in the day? But if it is just dirt that is shocking! UTV and let the transfer window bring fruit. Dale
  19. Knew i must have been right! refereeing brings great knowledge! :oops: Oh well - it was a nice idea. I hope everyone stays to give him the reception he deserves then. Now that I've quit my job I might see if I can get up to that one. Whats meant by 'previous booking record'? How many games does it have to be? Depends on the competition, I believe that the premierhship carries through the whole competition
  20. I think 15 is the maximum for half time and that is because of Sky! I shall refer to the rules of the game and get back to you, it is possible to turn straight around
  21. Thank you Thank you THANK YOU! This is all so wonderfully sureal to Every long term fan of the club!
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