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Everything posted by Dale

  1. A man goes to a bar and the fag machine is shouting at him On the bar these Peanuts are telling him how great he is. He asks the barman "What is going on" To this he replies "The Fag machine is out of order and the peanuts are complementry"
  2. A man with a stutter goes to the Dr's and complains and asks the Docter to give him some help The Docter takes a look at him and tell him the problem is the size of his penis, its to big. So the man stutters to him to take some off. The Docter does so and the following day the guy comes back looking depressed he says "thanks Doc this is great but I'd rather have a bigger cock, can I have some back please" To this the Docter replies "F-F-F-Fu-uck off"
  3. I presume you are referring to the Scott, Scott Murray, the lad went to Bristol City and was a very successful player there. This season he was sold for 'big money' in nationwide terms (£750,000) to Reading! He may one day return to the premiership. P.S we got some money from the transfer!
  4. Well in recent games Hitz has been assisting at least twice a game and vassell has found his scoring boots!!! What do you think is this form short term or over a longer period of time. I hope they keep it up, look @ their ages 10 more years of this available? :roll:
  5. we can work at it if the team works well, who knows Angel + Vassell reach twenty (wishful thinking!!!)
  6. Dale


    could do worse and have done worse aka. asics
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