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Everything posted by Dale

  1. I just want him gone, he's been as bad (if not worse) at Villa as he was for Birmingham City. Randy can't just bury his head in the sand and pretend we're on the right course, we're clearly not. Sign that severance cheque now, before it costs us much much more. Wonder what the get outs in his contracts are like, being as this was oh so predictable.
  2. He does have a proven track record... It just isn't a very good one, proven over time!
  3. The government has started turning the steering wheel... Shame it takes more crisis for Osborne to see what most had been shouting for some time.
  4. Story on the OS he is quoting as saying the players gave him everything they had.... If that's his view of their potential its time to pack up and go.
  5. I remember MYSTERYMAN cropping up a few times regarding how Sid thought we were heading in the right direction (slowly but surely) under Houllier, is there any news on Sid's thoughts of the current set-up? I can't imagine they're the same.
  6. Well he sounds satisfied from the post-match interview... Now for a run of defeats, joy.
  7. Much better with Bannan on, but again didn't look interested in winning or attacking... McCleish should be gone, well he shouldn't have arrived in the first place. Get rid, before the damage is done!
  8. We look so much better with Bannan on the pitch, who I assume isn't entirely on message in terms of McTactics. Best corner of the game by far!
  9. Awful defending again... McCleish's forte apparently too.
  10. Delph off, thank feck. Bannan someone that may want the ball and pass it...
  11. Warnock should have had a (second?) yellow there.
  12. 11 men behind the ball there, very positive play... gotta love McRelegation.
  13. I don't see the point of throwing the ball down the line to concede possession when on the attack.
  14. Getting better, which is welcome... Still not looking like we have a team of better players (Hutton/Heskey asides).
  15. Win, lose or draw. This isn't how Aston Villa should be playing.
  16. No pressure on the ball at all from us, until it gets to 30 yards from goal, frustrating.
  17. Brendon Rodgers would do very well at Aston Villa... With the extra quality up front and more cutting edge from better quality players, I'd welcome him.
  18. There is some urgency about though isn't there? They're running at Villa who are constantly standing off, I know they're not quite Arsenal but we will concede if we carry on letting them come at us with ease.
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