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Everything posted by supermon

  1. We'll have to rotate the teams quite a fair bit with the games coming up, would rather see Eisah Sulaiman play in defence over Elphick. Think the likes of Snodgrass, Whelan and Davies also need resting
  2. Yeah Cardiff look really good, as do Shef Utd, difference is that they both actually attempt to play some decent football resulting in a win. We play turgid football and expect to win
  3. Get Davies off and put Samba up front...Yeah that's right...you read it correctly
  4. Davies is really frustrating to watch, he just doesn't seem to make that darting run into the box when he hasn't got the ball.
  5. Couldn't agree more, most times we've won we've looked well shit
  6. No promotion this year, we just can't beat the better teams. Even finishing off in play offs, we'd flop like we always do
  7. Solanke on loan from Liverpool, Scouse mates reckon Klopp wants to loan him. Would be a good fit!
  8. We really need to beat Leeds imo, need to start beating teams around us. Sadly, whenever my hope gets raised slightly relating to anything Villa, it usually comes crashing down. Predict a lacklustre performance on Friday, can't see any points being made, especially being on Sky. Hope I'm wrong!
  9. No striker on the bench lol, so Samba up top in latter stages of the game
  10. is RHM still injured? Could do with him now
  11. Well Jinder is losing his appeal, Kenny Omega v Chris Jericho does sound pretty cool, but Y2J is getting on abit now, the match itself i don't think will be as epic as it is made out. The hype will be bigger than the match i feel (hope i am wrong).
  12. Watched 6 days yesterday, not a bad film at all, especially if you grew up loving the Tom Clancey Rainbow 6 Siege games
  13. Need to win today, saw Wolves play yesterday and they do have a pretty good team will be hard to catch them up but hoping they stutter soon. Have to say Fulham were dreadful
  14. Exactly, i'm shocked that it isn't getting much media coverage (based on online material, haven't seen the news today). No investigation to be conducted as confirmed by Boris Johnson
  15. supermon

    Keinan Davis

    Hope he gets few more goals to his name, wish he bagged that one against SHA, would have been amazing!
  16. Looks like Priti Patel is in the shits too for having an undisclosed meeting with the leader of Israeli's main political parties, breaking ministerial code of conduct. The Tories are really in the shit house this week! Link
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