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Everything posted by supermon

  1. Waiting on a Hutton goal at the Hotel end!! Was watching the game and realised all those dross years of premier league relegation, Hutton is the only survivor who features in our first team. He's been with the club for quite some time, a top professional, never sulked, moaned to the press, plays with so much heart. I have a lot of time for Hutton, he made some class interceptions against Preston. Theres nothing wrong with giving him an extension contract, a squad player at the very least. Bags of experience!! Funnily enough our back four of Elmo, Terry, Chester and Hutton have a huge wealth of premier league experience. Must be one of the reasons for how good we have been at the back this year.
  2. Yeah I kinda forgot the specific figures that day so ended up doing 75%x5x4 sets and last set of 80%x5, so hoping it hasn't messed with the plan too much
  3. So its my 4th week of this now and this week i do no deadlifts, in my last set of deadlifts i thought I'd see how 80% of 1RM felt, smashed 5 sets out the park, felt good, didn't feel taxing. I'm liking the progress. I wonder if something similar could be done for bench press, the 100kg lift is like my ceiling, there's some psychological shit which takes over, if not too fatigued i can do 1 rep without assistance but if fatigued I just struggle to lift the weights back up. Not overly worried as i mainly do dumbell work for chest, but maybe its an ego thing lol, would be good if i could do 4-5 reps without assistance.
  4. Please just win, could be third, results permitted. Would be buzzing
  5. I'd take a shitty, dull, unconvincing 1-0 win for this game, JT to score
  6. ive only seen that match so far on highlights but DAYUMNNNN! that match was just awesome!! by far the best match ive seen in a while at WWE, their rivalry is pretty epic too. Rivalry of the year!!
  7. Had a dream that Terry scored the winner with a header from a corner, Terry had a blinder of a game and we won 1-0. Believe!!
  8. was it lol, where has he been, don't remember him being on the bench lately
  9. is he still serving his ban, could do with him on the bench
  10. i think we will win this game, predicting 2-0 with 30% possession
  11. Feels as though we're playing Manchester United next, let's not gives Wolves too much respect!
  12. Thanks for sharing, I may try this out, cant go past 3 plates to save my life, kind of just accepted it lol, will try this and see how it goes
  13. Hopefully this will kick us on, i do hope other players are able to adapt to this system if we have to rotate or have injuries.
  14. Needs to take Whelan off, if he doesn't then Bruce needs to be sacked asap
  15. Time for Doyle Hayes to play or Jedi, out of the two I'd refer Doyle Hayes as he's more attacking and a better passer
  16. Really need Grealiish back, our midfield is still weak, need Jedi back too
  17. Snodgrass not match fit, Whelan was really poor today, we were pretty poor. Happy with 3 points but can't deal with this shit football
  18. 1st shot for them and they score lol, we don't deserve to win this
  19. Exactly, the team need to give something for us to shout about, what a dull and uninspiring half
  20. Looks a 4-2-3-1 formation, JDH and Onomah holding
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