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Everything posted by DCJonah

  1. Terrible debut but really tough conditions
  2. No chance nakamaba was coming straight in.
  3. I've said it numerous times, but i'm still amazed people defended him last summer. I feel sorry for @Richard he called it perfectly in regards to xia and bruce and was given loads of grief for it. I was one of them. I'd like to apologise. He was on the money
  4. DCJonah

    Keinan Davis

    Him scoring 10 + goals would mean Davis starting the vast majority of games. That's well off the agenda.
  5. Haha I wasn't trying to have an argument. I posted my opinion and you told me I was being OTT again. You seemed to be looking for the argument.
  6. I think he did let us down. He clearly wasn't good enough and had a handful of games where he actually contributed. The fact we've released him adds to it. Clearly no one was prepared to buy him or pay a loan fee.
  7. I said a poor signing. You're listing some of the worst signings we've made in years. Now who is going OTT
  8. I'm being OTT but you agreed his average and villa have just released him. Yeah, clearly so OTT
  9. Very average player at championship level. A poor signing
  10. 1 player away from a perfect window. Its been great but when this close to perfection, in such an important season, surely you do what ever it takes. Hope this doesn't come back to haunt us.
  11. Have to say, love what we have done but think we've gambled in the striker department. Hope all the other brilliant signings do enough. Massive pressure on Wes.
  12. Others reporting the same, so seems he does know his stuff
  13. Two pretty ITK journo's have said no more. Shame. Its been an amazing window but a striker really would have been a perfect last piece.
  14. Hogan going is nothing but if we don't sign anyone today I think letting Green go was a mistake.
  15. Matt Maher, usually pretty good journo, is saying nothing close and could be a very quiet day for us.
  16. Yeah i think we will. I said yesterday that 100% it would happen. I assumed a name would appear. Percey usually calls it the night before and nothing so far.
  17. I'm starting to worry a little about a striker. I would have thought a name would have appeared by now. Unlikely that a big money move is going to appear out of no where tomorrow. Hopefully we have someone.
  18. There should be a lot of scouts getting sacked right now. How does a player with world class movement and the ability to score loads with the right service, end up at stoke?
  19. No way we go with just them 3. We've got good cover in every position but that one. 100% signing a striker in the next 2 days.
  20. Mings/Heaton will prove to be key. I think Luiz will be getting all the attention by the end.
  21. With Hogan off that means a new striker 100% coming in.
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