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Everything posted by turnbull

  1. It's the very definition of a poisoned chalice!
  2. I stand corrected. I agree, opportunistic rather than clever.
  3. He hasn't bought the arena, it's actually the operating company, ACL. The stadium belongs to and is leased from, Cov City Council.
  4. Money's always worth it, if that's all you care about.
  5. Pele for me. Then maybe Alan Hutton.
  6. I don't know about you but I wouldn't pass to him.
  7. I'd put a limit on players being loaned out plus I'd ban loaning players to teams who play in the same league as the parent club.
  8. A cap kinda works in rugby union, but Saracens found a way around it with the sort of tactics Ci£eh would more than likely use, like giving players plots of land or businesses in South Africa, where the club's owner was from, or putting some of the stadium food and drink outlets in players' names. Even starting up spurious businesses and paying players for services rendered. Took a few seasons for them to be found out too.
  9. Around that time, the best place to meet Villa players wandering about was in the Gracechurch Centre in Sutton.
  10. For me, the sponsor is the biggest problem with that kit.
  11. Indeed. I was laughing for ages after, I just couldn't believe it.
  12. Looks like Keinan will have to score the winner from the bench.
  13. "You can't win anything with kids" (c) A. Hansen. 1995.
  14. That has to beat the world rolling about record, shurely.
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