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Everything posted by Feidhlim

  1. Played 48 last year, scored 14 and setup 11. Better than 1 goal or assist every 2nd game.
  2. For anyone seeking a Reddit alternative, I've created a Lemmy Aston Villa community. Easy enough to find on search. No transfer gossip, just news at the moment.
  3. Tomorrow more likely, it's a Wednesday
  4. I would be surprised if the contract didn't have an option for us to extend another year
  5. If I recall Buendias expected assists is super high, he was unfortunate that v few were converted
  6. We will have more games next season. Rotation required + now that we have a manager who can deploy different tactics, different players are required. And also worth mentioning every player on this team can be upgraded. I frequently see posts about how players don't fit into our best 11 and that may be the case but they aren't bought for 1 match.
  7. Henry, Ronaldo, Lahm and our very own Gareth Barry all examples of players that changed position and thrived. Henry struggled as a winger. Ronaldo probably great anywhere. Lahm was moved to midfield. Probably loads of examples.
  8. Clear to me who has watched the video and those who haven't.
  9. Far from it. Couldn't disagree more. Clear to me you haven't watched the video but that's ok, you're entitled to your opinion
  10. IMO, Heck wants a consistent and easily identifiable brand. I don't think anyone around him is convinced the new crest is it. It's clear to me Heck will not like the idea of two badges, that's for sure. So more to come on this. He is planning for the next 20 years and won't be making any sweeping changes until he is sure it's the best way forward. So I completely understand the soft launch and not (potentially) wasting money on updating crest around the stadium and digital. The brand isn't just about a crest either, so I'm expecting lots of tributes to our history, more community events, more events that include non-football related stars. He is obviously very good at what he does. Without a doubt. I suggest you watch the link but you're obviously welcome to be critical of the launch. We have an insight to this guy's mindset and what I've seen makes me excited for AVFC.
  11. There's a 45min YouTube presentation done by Heck on how he changed 76ers. I watched it yesterday and I know why we have done soft launch. I'm also really excited for the next few years. HIGHLY recommended if you're doubting Heck. Here:
  12. In fairness, the team doesn't need an overhaul like previous windows. We need a couple of players to take us to the next level. Don't forget a couple of the young lads will probably stay to fill out the squad (Tim and Cameron) It could be v quiet for a couple of weeks, potentially. Though I fully expect this thread to hit 1k pages regardless of activity
  13. I think a bigger fish will likely take him unfortunately
  14. He definitely might be here next season
  15. Feidhlim

    Unai Emery

    I don't get this. Multiple managers have decided he isn't good enough. VT hard on for him doesn't make sense. Last I saw him play, his positional awareness was terrible. We have Cash, Young and even Chambers I would put ahead of FG right now.
  16. You really want to hire a manager with one of two key reasons being bragging rights Vs Newcastle fans?
  17. Agreed. I guess tomorrow.
  18. You telling me if we had Bednarek we would have won today?
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