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Everything posted by Keyblade

  1. In the past 2 seasons there were really only 2 teams in the title race. It's not like the top 6 are all contenders. The other 4 teams are simply battling it out for the last 2 CL spots.
  2. How did Guzan fall off so quickly? He was super for us from 2012-2014
  3. https://www.reddit.com/r/trumpcriticizestrump
  4. Steve Bannon experiencing his worst nightmare
  5. Obama's on a beach somewhere right now, why are you even talking about him. It's Trump who's president right now, so he's the one in the hot seat. This b-but Obama! B-but Hillary thing needs to stop.
  6. I thought the President automatically qualifies to run against the Democrats. Kinda like defending their title
  7. Reminds me of one of my favorite memes
  8. The final was the most embarrassing game I've ever witnessed and completely cancels out the semifinal which was ironically one of the best. What's the point of playing so well against Liverpool if you're going to put in a performance like that? Argh I get worked up just thinking about it. He had us going there for a minute didn't he. I actually thought he was good at one point. Charlatan.
  9. Just can't stop scoring at Anfield
  10. (not Real Media) Why does he talk like that
  11. The man is cosplaying as president.
  12. I'm pretty sure he has no idea what that means. He just heard somebody say it to him and ran with it.
  13. Everything is either the best ever or the worst ever to him. It's so surreal seeing legit morons in charge of the largest military in the world.
  14. Hilarious gaffe aside, how giddy are they discussing the launching of missiles?
  15. I think the fact that one of the most famous teams in world football was bombed would make it a huge story in itself despite there fortunately being no casualties, but I see your point.
  16. Crazy how little attention this is getting, this is huge.
  17. I'm not sure about the grenade attacks, but the supposed Swedish rape epidemic is a pretty nasty misconception from what I understand. I'm sure @sne or @osmark86 can illuminate further.This is from the Swedish government: Clicky From The Local, emphasis mine. One of the problems of the internet age I guess, misconceptions spread fast.
  18. Explain yourself, you made the claim. What kind of yuge problems is Sweden facing?
  19. Like? This is their first terror attack in 7 years. Donald Trump-tier soundbite.
  20. I remember seen a stat that the drone bombs have increased something like 400% under Trump. Didn't one recently kill a record 60 civilians in Syria?
  21. Islamophobia is insinuating Muslims are currently waging a 'silent jihad', deliberately giving birth to children in order to take over demographically. Don't hide behind the anti-PC facade.
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