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Everything posted by Keyblade

  1. We also have to worry aboutWednesday. Even if Fulham lose but Wednesday win it'll be 9 points to 6th.
  2. If there's one thing I've learned from passively following the Championship all these years it's that there's always one team every season that goes on a crazy run at the end of the season to sneak automatic promotion or a playoff spot
  3. Not really. If we win the rest of our games, it is very possible. Big if I know, but we're on an unprecedented run right now anyway so who knows.
  4. If we win today, I'll start to believe.
  5. I swear it was a Ronaldinho-esque no-look finish too, or maybe my eyes were deceiving me.
  6. 8 points dropped is just 2 losses and a draw in 7 games. That is nothing in this league. It can even happen in a row.
  7. Tomi Lahren had the nerve to say something like this wrt abortion which saw her kicked off hey channel. You're not allowed to be consistent in your disdain for big government in Republicanland.
  8. The papers are saying it, so it must be true then. Don't let the media dictate how you think.
  9. @markavfc40 I couldn't find the video, but you can use the woman's statement that she made today. https://tellmamauk.org/
  10. He's the most powerful man in the world. Are you seriously comparing him to some random people in a room? Also what happened to freedom of speech?
  11. Yeah one is the president of the United States, what a silly comparison.
  12. People at a religious conference putting their hands up when asked if they believe in their religion shocker
  13. You can't even ban the guy responsible, he's a Caribbean British convert. Unless you want to use a time machine and go 1 or 2 centuries back to ban his ancestors. A good example of a terror attack not committed by a Muslim getting relatively fleeting coverage was the Quebec attack from a couple of months ago. It got 1 maybe 2 days tops of coverage and then everyone moved on quickly. I know it's a different country but I'm sure had it happened in Britain it would have been the same.
  14. That white guy won't be in danger at all, let's be real. Literally nobody's mad at him. He's just a counterpoint
  15. I'll try to find it for you mate.
  16. There's even a video of her helping out, but I can't even find it anymore. Meanwhile that picture is viral. I hate this world sometimes.
  17. I feel sorry for this girl who's been turned into a viral hate meme by words removed like Richard Spencer.
  18. This is where I think skin colour comes into play, or at the very least 'foreign-ness'. If Islam wasn't a 'foreign' religion practiced mostly by brown people, would there be as much hysteria? I doubt it. If it were Christian terrorism as opposed to Islamic terrorism I'd imagine there would be a lot more nuanced being applied than there is now.
  19. Almost all the attacks were some kind of IED/explosive. The point was his assertion that 99% of attacks jihadist and not what the biggest threat is per se.
  20. Up until 2014, Islamic terrorism made up around 1% of all terrorist attacks in the EU according to Europol report data. In 2015 that number spiked to 5% with all the attacks that year. I imagine that number will be even higher for 2016 when those figures are released in a few months. But yeah, that isn't anywhere near the figure you pulled out of your ass. In fact, the reverse is true. Here are a few of the reports if you're interested. If you're not willing to sift through 60 odd pages, scroll down to the tables and do the math yourself. 2015 2014 2013
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